Salt Circle | Teen Ink

Salt Circle

October 26, 2021
By Anonymous

I exited the house. The sky was bruised black and gray and smelled of rain. It was impossible to tell what time it was. To my left was a forest. Directly behind me was the house. In my hand was a bucket full of salt.

I crossed myself. I crossed myself again. Then, working quickly, I began pouring salt on the ground in a tight circle around the house. The noises coming from the woods sent shivers down my spine, even more than usual.

I stared at the forest, the black wall of the house to my back for some semblance of protection. A low groan came from the trees, startling bats and birds, and my whole body jumped with terror. Rain began to come down. I prayed the salt circle would hold and started to make my way back inside. The house was scary, yes. But what lay outside was much, much worse.

The author's comments:

In this piece, I tried to play with tone, and use a few descriptive words to paint a picture of the setting and the mood. If you’re confused about the salt circle thing, it’s supposed to ward off evil. If you’re concerned about evil, you can probably buy salt in bulk at Costco. My favorite part of this set piece is the mystery of it.

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