Happiness | Teen Ink


December 8, 2021
By notesappfiction GOLD, Bryan, Texas
notesappfiction GOLD, Bryan, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's funny. When you leave your home and wander really far, you always think, 'I want to go home.' But then you come home, and of course it's not the same. You can't live with it, you can't live away from it. And it seems like from then on there's always this yearning for some place that doesn't exist." - Danzy Senna

The dress shimmered in the light. Her cheeks flushed. He reached for her hair, pushing it back so he could see her smile. The wind undid his efforts.

She laughed. "I told you it would be windy."

"You did.”

"You wanted to come outside.”

"I did."

"I get why you wanted to. It's a gorgeous view."

"My view is better."

"What are you—"

Her voice faltered as she took in the sight of him. Down on one knee, jewelry box in hand.

"Oh," her voice was a whisper.

“I feel nothing but happiness with you. This adventure we’re on, this maze of life, it’s confusing, and chaotic, and the trees are so tall I can’t see where I’m going. But I know I don’t want to go anywhere without you. I’ve been wandering in the dark for twenty-seven years and you are the most glorious sunrise.”

“You’re cheesy.”

“You love it.”

“Both are true.”

His smile was winning. “Are you going to keep me waiting forever?”

“You didn’t ask a question,” she pointed out.

“Will you marry me?” His voice was as steady as she’d ever heard it.


The pen shook in her hand. She set it down for a moment.

“Just sign—It’s almost dark out.”

“Would one more night of marriage kill you?”

He sighed. “Are you going to keep me waiting forever?”

“You didn’t answer the question,” she pointed out.

“Will you just sign the papers?” His voice was as steady as she’d ever heard it.

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