A Look to the Future (Speed Write) | Teen Ink

A Look to the Future (Speed Write)

January 19, 2022
By realistically_kai BRONZE, Maple Heights, Ohio
realistically_kai BRONZE, Maple Heights, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stare at the person sitting across from me in disbelief. Was this actually an aged version of myself? The woman must have sensed my confusion since she took in a sharp breath and began to talk. “You’re not imagining things,” she says in a voice oddly similar to mine. “I am what you’ll look like in a matter of 10 years.” She was slightly more pale than I was, with marks across her neck and face. Red streaks from burning tears stained her face. “What happened to you- to us” I questioned, eyes wide with unfiltered horror. She looked down at my phone which lay on the table with the screen facing upwards. “He’s going to text you when I leave. Save yourself a life of pain and walk away as soon as he does,” she tells me in a hushed tone. I barely had any time to question her words as she stood up. She gives me a sad smile as she walks away, but says nothing. While I processed the events that just partook, a text from my boyfriend illuminated my screen.

The author's comments:

This was a response to a writing prompt which reads, "You are sitting in a restaurant waiting for a friend, when someone sits down in the opposite seat.  You are shocked to recognize yourself, but older.  This older self smiles and says, 'We need to talk.' What happens next?”

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