Half Full | Teen Ink

Half Full

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Day after day, I see the same thing constantly occurring.  Today, I notice the days seem to be getting longer and more lonely. Today seems to be the end as I realize the slick, sweaty surface beneath my flat bottom. Today my rim feels empty, but really I am half full. Tomorrow is a new day and it’s going to be a good one. 

I wake up to the sun blaring through the old, dusty kitchen window and feel fresher than ever. I look down to see the surface although there is nothing there. Odd. “ACHOO!” I was not expecting to have an earthquake this morning. I look over to my left rim and notice all of me pour out. I was not mad, just confused. Then it all came to me, I have been refreshed and used. The fridge is shinier, I can see the dog’s face, and my heart feels full. The old me, hopefully dancing down the drain as it is now forgotten. I now tread on the surface, no longer drowning in myself.

The author's comments:

This is about a glass.

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