Reality | Teen Ink


January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Walking through the golden brown sand, the shimmer of a glass bottle catches my eye. Taking six long, cautious steps, I make my way over to the bottle and pick it up to see a brown and crumpled piece of paper inside of it. After about two minutes of not being able to get the cap off of the bottle due to my miniscule amount of hand strength, I finally had it screwed off and took out the paper. On it is one clue of who else is on this island accompanying me. The one singular hint I got was “How about them apples!” I stare at those words for the next thirty seconds… and can’t help but crack a smile when the lightbulb goes off in my brain. Immediately my mind is playing back the scene in my head of the infamous Will Hunting, played by the even more infamous Matt Damon, from the impeccable film Good Will Hunting. Needing a minute to calm myself down, I take my first steps towards the water. This probably isn’t the best use of my time, but before reality sinks in I want to take a chance to appreciate my surroundings. My feet finally hit the water; it sends a rush of  warmth from my toes all the way up to the top of my head. With no hesitation, I plunge the rest of my body into the water. Coming up for air seconds later, with the horrible taste of salt glued to my mouth. I roll over onto my back and allow the light waves to pass under me. Looking up into the clear blue sky, I try to think about how cruel the world is for deserting me on this island. All I can seem to notice though is the raw beauty of everything around me; along with the fact that I am potentially stranded here with Matt Damon, Will Hunting, Benjamin Mee, Jason Bourne, ect. Nobody really knows which person he will be, he has so many options. Still looking up into the piercing blue sky, even though I am on a deserted island I can’t help but think, this almost seems too good to be true. 

I take a deep breath in through my nose until I can feel the air hitting my lungs; then releasing the air out through my mouth, never taking my eyes off of the sky. That damn sky. If it’s possible to fall in love with the sky, I think I just did. A drop of water hits my forehead. Confusion rolls over me in a rush. There’s not even a cloud in sight, how could it be raining right now? Drip. Drop. Raindrops keep hitting my face every couple of seconds. With every blink I take this dream world becomes more hazy each time. My final blink everything goes black, and when I open up my eyes again I see the face of my sister and my hundred pound Great Pyreneese Aspen Jane. Aspen is drooling on my face and Grace begins to talk to me: “You fell asleep in the middle of a movie once again.” I was notorious for recommending we watch a movie just to fall asleep halfway through it. Pushing myself up off of the couch I look at the tv screen. Well would you look at that, I see no other than Matt Damon himself on the tv screen in front of me. Without even trying a smile is painted across my face. I look over at Grace and she is smiling back at me, just happy to be in my company. Sure I would have been at ease with the fake reality I had of a beautiful island where I could’ve found Matt Damon, but I think I would rather take this reality with the best person that has ever entered my life. Before I can really feel satisfied though, I make a break to the window. Pushing my curtains aside I look up. I still have that sky; I know that will never leave.

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