Future Selves | Teen Ink

Future Selves

February 11, 2022
By QCA-AndreasDavies BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
QCA-AndreasDavies BRONZE, Peoria, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One time, I had a dream when three guys had a big discussion on who would be the first to get into engineering. So I planned to have an event that will solve this problem .So this Friday we will be hosting a job festival where you could get a chance to get a job.  However there will be a spinning wheel for the names that volunteer, and whoever gets chosen will be the winner to get the job.

So far three names were pulled. Angel is a guy who is so passionate about Mechanical Engineering and loves to build machines such as elevators, escalators and all types of new technology.The second person was John. John was a guy who liked Aerospace Engineering because he liked to design airplanes for the army. He makes sure people get to where they need to be safely, Sam is a guy who likes Civil Engineering because he gets to design new roads and loves to do construction.   

 These three will meet Mr.Scanners. He owns a business called GWGP that allows young people to work in all types of engineering. So these guys were called the next day to be interviewed by Mr.Scanners. So the three met up at GWGP and all were told to wait and get to know each other.

  Angel began to tell the other two that he likes Mechanical Engineering because he always wanted to be out in the workforce that pays good money.  John told the others  he likes Aerospace Engineering where he could build planes for the army.And he chose this job because it pays very well. Sam on the other hand likes Civil Engineering because he likes to construct roads and new buildings. Mr.Scanners interviewed all three guys and the person who was chosen to get the job was Angel. Therefore he will be starting monday and will be a new member of the team. Sam will continue to make sure he gets the job. So as John because they both put in a lot of work as well as

Angel.  Instead Mr.Scanners will be hosting another open interview again and hopefully these two will get the job they deserve. 

 Before Mr.Scanners interviewed Sam and John. Angel had put a word in for them telling Mr.Scanners that John and Sam will be a great fit. Angel loved how Sam and John liked engineering. Angel felt he could connect more with them and didn’t want to feel if he took their opportunity away. 

Mr.Scanners kinda felt bad because he brushed two people away. So the next day was the opportunity that these guys will have the chance to get this job, but the two do not know that Angel has already put the word in there for them so it will be a win win for both of them. So as the day came Mr.scanners interviewed John first and got to know John a little bit more and it was John's opportunity to prove himself to Mr.Scanners and Angel himself.  That he can come in and work just as hard as he says he can. And then Mr.Scanners will see if he gets the jobs or not.

When the interview was over John and Angel talked for a little while. Angel was getting to know a little bit more about John before he thought he had made the decision to get him hired. So John begins to tell Angel that he got hired and is ready to put in work and make a better future for himself and they became friends after that day. Then it was Sam's turn to get interviewed and Sam said he appreciated how much he realized he gets a second chance to get hired for a new and better job.  

 Mr.Scanners hired him because of the experience Angel had told him that Sam is a very hard worker and a team player. And is experienced like a pro when doing engineering. So now all three were hired and were surprised that all were working with each other. So that's when Angel told them he had put a word in for both of them because he had seen talent in them both because he believed whatever they had told him. He liked what they represented. 

 That day forward these three guys became best friends and now are moving up with each other in the job force and are appreciative for how they didn’t know each other but got along like they were siblings. Because of the bond the three of them gave each other so they all respect each other and can relate in so many ways. Because the job that they got and what they had to do to get that job and it was worth it.

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