Betrayed | Teen Ink


April 14, 2022
By Anonymous

TW: Murder/Death

Nathan examined the sharp knife in his hands, slipping it into his pocket. He walked over to the window and examined the surroundings. He had always loved the Eiffel Tower, the city of Paris known for its calming effect.. Staring out at the city made him feel stressed about how too calm it was: a feeling someone had followed him from the restaurant to his hotel. Something caught his attention in the distance, no rather it was someone. The silhouette was tall and fit. It was none other than Junghyun, Nathan's best friend.

Nathan gulped and glanced at his reflection in the window. Junghyun had misunderstood his best friend earlier, trusting Nathan with his chocolate milk. Nathan himself was a chocolate milk drinker with ginger hair and hazel eyes.

Earlier, Junghyun and his group of friends met up with Nathan at a restaurant nearby the hotel they were all staying together. It was an exquisite 5-star restaurant that was recommended by the nearby strangers on their floor. At the very end of their fancy dinner, Junghyun had the urge to use the men’s room, so he entrusted his special chocolate milk to his friends. Quenching his thirst, Nathan finished his drink and downed his friend’s drink realizing his mistake moments later. When Junghuyn returned, he was left to pay for not only himself but also for his friends who had left him while he was relieving his bladder.

Junghyun had always sought chocolate milk anywhere he went. It was the last drink his mother had given him just before the day she died. Even though it was many years ago and Junghyun was only nine at the time, he would never forget the tragic passing of his dear mother. Indeed it was tragic, it took a toll on him for the rest of his life as he searched for the same flavor to get closer to his mother. Nathan had crossed the line when he took the one thing Junghyun wanted for himself.

Junghyun saw Nathan as a confusing being. You couldn’t label him one thing because he’d become something else the next moment. Once, he had even brought a single mother back from the brink of death just with a snap of his fingers. But not even Nathan was prepared for what Junghyun had in store for him.

The rain hammered like cats and dogs; it made the ginger uneasy. As he stepped outside with an umbrella, feet soaking in the cold wet puddle he didn’t see, Junghyun’s steps got louder against the cold wet concrete. Shlop. Shlop. Shlop.

“I’m here for an apology,” Junghyun bellowed, in a sharp tone. Nathan could only respond with a groan after Junghyun slammed his hands against Nathan’s chest with a mighty force as he hissed through his teeth, “I hate you.”

Nathan stumbled, taken aback by the sudden action he had made, eyes wide as he regained his balance.

“Excuse you? Apologize for what? I’ve done nothing wrong-”

“Yes. You. Did.” Junghyun interrupted immediately.

Junghyun lunged forward and tried to punch Nathan in the face.  Nathan grabbed the sharp knife from his pocket and brought it down on Junghyun’s skull out of pure fear and self-defense. He knew he was no match against the other with physical strength right now so he did what his brain told him to do. The chest of the tall beast trembled in shock, his hair replaced with thick dark red liquid before he collapsed on the icy-cold concrete. He looked like roadkill in the middle of the street, and Nathan had been the murderer of the animal. Then, Nathan let out an agonized groan and collapsed onto the ground.

“It was a mistake.” His voice shook out, eyes gleaming with his salty tears. 

Moments later, he picked himself up and left the body with the knife still lodged in the skull of his best friend in a state of utter confusion about what overcame him earlier. He couldn’t stand to look at the mistake he’d made in self-defense. The boy stumbled back inside his room with only one thing on his mind. Heavy legs trudged over to the fridge, and the creak of the hinges rung through his ears. The only thing he could feel was the cold bottle of chocolate milk he started to drink. Tears still streamed down his red freckled cheeks.

“I’m sorry..”


The author's comments:

A short story about two best friends who fight over a importance to them both causing an effect that will change their friendship for good.

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