The Games Begin | Teen Ink

The Games Begin

April 27, 2022
By LoversOrFighters SILVER, Walton, Kentucky
LoversOrFighters SILVER, Walton, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

“You can’t do this! Please…” Havier begged. He couldn’t stand to see his father get executed. This is how it was, here in Connhem. He just wanted to be able to go back home, but he couldn’t. His dad was about to be killed, right in front of his eyes. CRACK! And now, his father is dead. Havier needs revenge, but how? He now knows. 

Tears, blood, gore, death, everything above… just like that. Everyone was screaming and yelling at the king. All they wanted was for Haveno to still be alive, but he wasn’t. “Why! Why did you kill Haveno over a stupid draw!” Lucia, Havier’s mom yelled. Once a month, they do a draw. The queen, Rosita, would draw a card. This month, she drew Haveno’s name. She hand-wrote a letter to Lucia.

 “Dear Lucia, I am so sorry to announce, but I have drawn your husband’s name this month. I wish you the best of luck getting on without your husband. You know the rules, don’t you? You and your son MUST attend the meeting of execution. You also CAN’T  tell anybody else. Thank you and have a wonderful day, your queen, Rosita.” 

And today, he was killed in vain. Havier and Lucia left to go home. Havier is 18, but he still can’t believe what just happened. No matter the age that you are, life sucks… That’s what Lucia tells Havier all of the time. 

Time Skip

“Mother?” Havier asks one day. “Yes, darling?” Lucia responds.

“I believe that it’s time that I leave the house, to live on my own. I mean, in 1 ½ month I’ll be 19. I was supposed to leave last year, but I didn’t because you needed help with my father getting killed. What do you think? Will you help me?” 

“Of course hon. You’re right… I suppose I should let you leave to go live out on your own. C’mmon. I think I know just the right place.”

And with that, they left the house. Eyes were on them, Lucia didn’t care, but Havier did. “What are you looking at, you little skrimages!” Lucia gasps. Skrimages is the most disgraceful word that you could ever be called in Connhem. No one knows what it means, but they do at least know that it’s a disgraceful thing to be called. 

“Don’t you ever say that again, young sir! Do you want me to leave, and y-'' Lucia stops. The queen’s messenger is walking right towards Havier. “Hello, Havier! Haven’t seen you in a very long time. Wish we could see each other more.  Queen told me to give this to you.” Then he turned around and ran back to the castle. Havier opened the letter. It said this:

“Dear sweet Havier, I’m so sorry to announce, but I’ve drawn your mother this month. With no parents, you have to go out and live on your own. Good luck, sweet son! Anywho, you know the rules, don’t you? You and your son MUST attend the meeting of execution. You also CAN’T  tell anybody else. Thank you and the best of luck to you, your queen, Rosita.” 

“Noooo… not this. Please…” “What’s wrong, Havier, sweetheart?” It was Asha, Havier’s girlfriend. “My mom… I’ll have nobody. Nobody but you…” Havier whispered. “Don’t worry. I know this must suck. But, on the bright side, you can come and live with me now! You always say how badly you want to come and live with me!” Asha said to cheer up Havier. 

She is an optimist, that one. “Yeah! I could, and then we can have children of our own, and we could adopt children off of the street, and we could also get married! This sounds wonderful!” Havier said cheerfully. 

Asha always gets people cheered up. No matter how sad, depressed, or angry they could be, she can cheer them up.

                  Time skip

Tears, blood, gore, death… everything just happened at once, all over again. “Havier! Where are you going!?” Asha screamed with so much emotion it made even the king bow of uncertainty. 

“You can’t do this again! You! YOU! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO TRUST YOU, YOU MORON!” Havier was yelling at the king. I was true, you’re supposed to be trusting the king. “I think that Havier wants to be ne-” And the king falls to the ground, dead. 

“Havier! Why!” Asha yelled down. “He killed both my Mother and my Father! He deserved what he got! COME FIGHT ME THEN, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WHAT I JUST DID! COME FIGHT ME! I’LL KILL YOU TOO!” Nobody came. 

“Havier, please wake up! You have to! No… please…wake up…” Asha was begging him. “Havier’s dead. There’s no chance of him waking up.” Beguen said. Beguen was Havier’s best friend. At least he died getting his revenge.

The author's comments:

TW: Death, murder

This is my first Short Story that I've ever made. Please let me know what I can do to improve it. Thank you and have a great day!


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