August 2022 Fiction Contest: Life's Ticket | Teen Ink

August 2022 Fiction Contest: Life's Ticket

August 16, 2022
By Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
Mellohi GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
13 articles 19 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A word too hard to Difficult." Mellohi 2/9/2021

I open my eyes to see a train platform full of dully coloured people. There is a ticket in my hand with my name on it. I get shoved forwards towards a man in a booth. He has wings and a veil with a bunch of crows around him. He punches a hole in my ticket. ‘If you take the O train it’ll take you somewhere special’ He whispers. I nod. I get on the train then I step off the train into a huge field of flowers and a beautiful lady making a flower crown. The afterlife is really nice.

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