The Last Concert | Teen Ink

The Last Concert

September 12, 2022
By treychoate06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
treychoate06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

TW// Murder, gun violence

After Jason, Lee, Casey, and Jake formed their band, Mando, things were going good until 3 weeks ago when Jason lost his mother to lung cancer. When Jason lost his mother he stopped showing up to rehearsal and even stopped talking to everyone. He knew they had a concert coming up but he couldn’t help being depressed over his mothers sudden death. Jason never got to rehearse with his bandmates or even practice on his own.

3 weeks later, Jason shows up to the concert venue. “Excuse me, do you know where the warm-up room for the band Mando is,” Jason asked one of the staff members. The staff member proceeded to lead Jason through a long hallway full of doors. Jason began to get nervous as he walked through the hallway, he could hear the other bands, they were really good. He didn’t think his band and him were going to be able to impress the crowd if they had to go on after some of the other bands.

After walking for a while, they finally got to the door. “Here it is,” the staff member told Jason. He looked at the door; there was a yellow piece of paper with the bands name, Mando, typed on it in a bold black font. He got even more nervous, it felt like his stomach was turning and spinning one million miles per hour. He could hear the band playing he didn’t know if he should go in or not.

Eventually, he turned the door handle and slowly walked in. He almost stepped fully inside of the room, but before he could, they all stopped playing and turned around to look at Jason. He was scared they were going to ask where he had been, he didn’t want to talk about it. Before Jason could even close the door, “Where the hell have you been,” Lee said. But Lee didn’t say it in the concerned tone Jason expected, he said it in an angry way, as if he didn’t actually want to know why he hasn’t come to rehearsal, as if he just wanted an apology.

“Yeah, where the hell have you been, man?” Jake and Casey asked. “I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I’m sorry, that’s all you have to say when you knew we had a concert today,” Jake yelled. “You didn’t even tell us you weren’t coming to rehearsals,” Lee added. “I know, but i'm here now so lets warm-up for the show.” “I heard some of the other bands playing, they’re all really good,” Jason said. “We know,” Lee said. “It’s going to be really hard to follow some of them,” Casey added.

They began to warm-up, it was going pretty good. They played some scales and then moved on to some easy songs they had all known since they started the band. When they started to play song they had on their set list for that nights concert, Jason got nervous again.

They started to play their first song, and it went perfectly. Then they played their second song; they got about half way through and Jason messed up. Jason messed up so bad that he ripped the song apart and caused the rest of the band to stop playing. “What the hell was that Jason,” said Casey. This caught Jason off guard because Casey was normally the quiet and chill one of the band. “Jason, have you even practiced since you’ve been gone at all,” Jake added. “I’m sorry, I haven’t had much time to practice,” Jason said. “Now what are we supposed to do,” Lee said. “We go on stage in a little bit and our bassist doesn’t even know how to play the songs on our set list,” he added. At that moment there was a knock on the door. The door slowly opened, it was one of the staff members. “You guys are on next,” he said.

They’re time was up, they had to go on stage. “Well, I hope we don’t embarrass ourselves out there,” Jake said as he walked out the door. They went up on stage and set up all of they’re gear. Jason walks on stage and sees the crowd; he’d never seen a bigger crowd. Jason sets up his amps and plugs in his bass. They started playing and the first song sounded perfect, even better that when they were warming up.

They started playing they’re second song, and just like during their warm-up, Jason messed up and ripped the band apart again. They all stopped playing. Jake,with mic still in hand, calls out Jason in front of the whole crowd. “Our very own bassist, Jason Creed, just messed up our whole set and hasn’t practiced with us in 3 weeks,” Jake said. That’s when out of nowhere, Jason pulls out a handgun from his waistband and shoots Jake in the back of the head. The crowd ran for the exits and so did Jason’s bandmates. Jason kills Lee as he runs for the exit, then he chases down Casey. Jason catches up to Casey and tackles him on the ground, “I’m sorry,” Jason told him before putting the gun to Casey’s head and pulling the trigger. Jason walked back on stage, stood there, turned the gun to his own head, and as his final act in life, pulled the trigger, ending the nightmare of his last concert.

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