Gathering Blue Truths | Teen Ink

Gathering Blue Truths

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Imagine this: You are living in a dystopian society where there cannot be any imperfections. You are heavily governed, and are living in a world full of controlling people, and lies. There are then people who want your gift so they can run the society exactly how they want. This picture paints how Kira’s life is. An examination of this, identifies the difficult life Kira has to face, on her own.  The dystopian fiction novel Gathering Blue, presents how Kira faces a lot of lies and truths and those are reflected in the obstacles she has to face.

I am sure we have all had someone that has betrayed you. You trust them, but in reality they aren’t as good of a person as you think. The text explains, “Jamison is the one who tried to kill me,” (233).  This piece uncovers a lot about Jamison. We thought he was a man who didn’t mean any harm towards Kira and her family, although he still protects her. This relates to truth because almost the whole time Jamison was lying to Kira, saying he saw her dad killed by beasts. All Jamison wanted was Kira’s talent. He didn’t truly care for her. In Kira's society, everything and everyone is controlled.  “Fresh , bright blood trickles in narrow rivulets across his feet… between the thick ankle cuffs, dragging heavily as he made his way slowly from the stage, was a chain…” Things are not as they seem. Even for a very important person, the singer.  “He lowered the robe then, and she saw nothing more.” (237). This reveals how their whole society is really a lie. They are all heavily governed. This exposes the truth because it tells how no one has any freedom. They are all forced to do what they do to keep their town running the way the council wants it to be runned. Fear, dishonesty, and no imperfections whatsoever. The council doesn’t want anyone to know there is something wrong with everything.  The truth will come out at some point. “No, it was not beasts… it was men.” (222). This shows the truth because everyone's fear of the beasts was all a lie. It is used to make people scared of leaving their town, even though it was really men. Which also reveals a controlling and unhonest town that does what they do to keep the citizens from leaving. Next expresses how in the novel, none of the kids would be well treated and cared for inside the council of edifice like they are if they didn’t have the talents they have. They don’t care for the kids, they care for their techniques. “Perhaps her mother had been poisoned? But why? Because they wanted Kira. But why? So that they could capture her gift: her skill with the threads..” Kira is figuring out they only wanted her for her gift. “And Thomas? His parents too? And Jo’s? Why? So that all their gifts would be captive.” (235). The council is controlling and gets what they want. They killed all of their parents so they could get their gifts. This lets out the truth because it tells how they wanted their talents. It also identifies why they are all coincidently orphans and have great gifts. 

In the dystopian fiction novel Gathering Blue, While it’s true that Kira faced a lot of challenges and obstacles while finding the truths of her society, It is also true that Kira learned a lot throughout the story. She had to grasp the big fact that their society is controlling and survives off lies to the village. The author Lois Lowry highlights how things aren’t always how they seem, and a world without any imperfections is not as perfect as it may seem to be. In the end this presents how Kira faces a lot of difficult scenarios which reflects on the obstacles she faces to find the truth.

The author's comments:

I wrote this based off the dystopian fiction book Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. It expresses the challenges and obstacle Kira, the main character faces throughout the story.

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