Cheer-Ocalypse | Teen Ink


September 1, 2023
By TiffanyC2025 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
TiffanyC2025 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day at Pasadena Memorial High School, The cheer program was having practice on a Thursday afternoon in the school gym. Even though coach Murillo has been feeling sick as a dog all day, practice must go on because the pep rally is on Friday! So the cheerleaders jump right into action on their routine for Friday. The theme for the pep rally is banal, nothing extreme like homecoming or senior night. Even though the pep rally wasn't one of the exciting ones it was still important we were prepared and looked good. While we got to work on the routine, Murillo is complaining of her stomach, dizziness, and hot flashes. Before we knew it she had run out of the gym while throwing up everywhere. After we were done with practice we rolled up the mats that weighed a ton, Murillo had come back but she was not herself. Everything was so capricious when she came back, she was not OK! One of the girls went up to her as she stumbled into the gym and the cheerleader asked "Are you okay Murillo?". Murillo mumbled back slurring her words and tried biting the cheerleader, she's a zombie! While Murillo was attacking all the girls, Mash yelled "Stop dawdling and come this way" waving towards the parking lot for all the girls that haven't been infected to follow her lead. Everyone except; Tiffany, Mash, Priscilla, Sofia, and Eden were gone and have been turned. The people that haven't been infected by a zombie, were considered benign. While everyone was being attacked, Mash yelled to the girls who hadn't been infected "Hurry get into my car!". Now that everyone's in her car she drove like a bat out of hell to get to the abandoned hospital down the street. The hospital was shut down before COVID-19 in 2018, so there was no one there and plenty of supplies and medicine. Ever since that day of the outbreak Tiffany, Mash, Priscilla, Sofia, and Eden lived in the abandoned hospital for 2 years. Tiffany the chemistry whiz that she is has been using the medicine and chemicals in the hospital to make some kind of cure. She has had many trials testing it on zombies that Eden and Sofia bring into the hospital strapped up to a dolly. The first trial she tried was a regular flu shot, it had zero effect on the zombie except for making it angry so we got rid of that tester. Then they brought in another one and she tried giving just fluids and hydrating the zombie, it had a small effect but not completely back to normal. The fluids gave the zombie the ability to not have the urge to bite people but the brain couldn't function on its own. Since that didn't work they were on to the next trial "Bring in another one!" Tiffany said. Now that the fluids showed some kind of cure she tried the fluids along with daily vitamins like calcium, iron, and zinc. They had a close breakthrough because the zombie lost the urge to bite and some ability to talk but not fully. So now on to the next because it was not fully cured so they bring in another one and try something else. Since the fluids and vitamins were semi-worked, she tried the fluids with the vitamins and an antibiotic named amoxicillin. Finally, they figured out it takes fluids, vitamins, and antibiotics to cure a zombie; it lost the urge to bite, gained brain function back, and the ability to talk and function. So once they made one big mixture of fluids, vitamins, and antibiotics they went out into the world and gave it to everyone infected and cured the whole world.

The author's comments:

I am a cheerleader at Pasadena memorial and this a fun little story I made about my coaches and team.

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