ON THE SEA | Teen Ink


September 15, 2023
By Anonymous

In the deep sea, a caption of 5 caption la ray was his name he and his crew were sailing. They were coming back from catching some crawfish and they would sell them to the nearby restaurants. Every Sunday EL Ray and his crew would go to church. EL Ray was heavy in Christianity until they shipped out on November 15, 2006. It was all good just like any other time they shipped out calm waves and blue sky.

 In the distance there, was a dark cloud lighting and flashing like gunfire thunder sounding like the biggest booms going off. They were far away but it sounded like it was right next to them. They never had a look of worriedness before because they had been through the worst storm ever but this one beats them all. In a matter of seconds, they were getting hit by rain that felt like heavy rocks there was so much rain they couldn’t see even 5 feet in front of them just a blur of rain waves hitting the boat sounding like a cannon going off and waves tossing them in the air.

 El ray didn’t know what to do. He saw one of his crew members in thick rain then a wave took over the boat and in a blink of an eye he wasn’t there. He was washed up to the sea with nothing to be seen the young captain couldn’t do anything but feel regret and shame.

 In moments, another wave hits the boat. El Ray sees one of the crew members go flying off the ship then a loud crack, then a wiping sound comes from the front of the ship then a scream. One of the ropes snap and hit a crew member. Waves made it hard to move. The waves hit it over and over The last thing El Ray remembered was hitting his head on something. He woke up hours later and went looking for his crew. No one was found

 The following year EL Ray went into a depression state. He turned his back on God, he cursed him for his crew dying that day he hated god he would get mad when he heard his name or saw a church. Just the thought of it got him mad. He didn’t talk to his family to no one.

After a while, El Ray needed to make money again, and he knew he had to go back to catching fish again November 15, 2007. The day he sailed out again he was getting flashbacks of his crew dying the sound of them screaming the thought of how slow and painful their deaths were. He could hear it like it was happing again.

 In the middle of catching a load of crawfish when he was busy and not looking a storm sneaked up behind him. Not knowing the storm was there lighting in the dark clouds El ray turned around in a flash with the same look from a year ago of scaredness and worriedness he. Froze up it was like his body was locked in place, He was remembering that day he lost his crew, the flashbacks stopped his body and he was able to move again but by then it was already to late

 Waves crashing rain hitting win blowing waves sounded like a cannon going off the rain was heavy the win could move a car he ran inside he was panicking he didn’t know what to do he sat down he thought of everything but then he thought of one thing he called for God he fell to his knees crying for god he was just there waiting and waiting then everything went quite the boat came to a hold he heard a voice but no one said anything he gets up and goes to check the boat when he gets to the deck for the boat he just sees white clouds and then he sees his crew members again.  

The author's comments:

This is how I think you may get save by god in my eyes.

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