The Undercover Mission | Teen Ink

The Undercover Mission

September 16, 2023
By Anonymous

“CALL IN AGENT LIGHT!” screamed the boss of missions.

“R-right y-yes ma’am” shakily said her assistant.

Door busts open and Agent Light comes in with nothing to say. Miss Boss of Mission turns around in her chair, slowly looks up at Agent Light. Light makes heavy eye contact with Miss boss and speaks clearly.

“Yes Ma’am”

“I need you on this next mission, there is a man who wants a part of South Asia’s land, he has threatened to go to war for it, we need you to find out why he needs the land and stop him from going to war.”

Agent light blankly stares and nods.

“You will need to find a way to get your son closest to this mission to get more information from his children that go to the all-scholar academy, we have made his stat scores convincing of his knowledge.”

“Ma’am this operation seems to have missing pieces.”

“Don’t worry about it, we have everything in order, but we need you to convince your son to carry on with mission with your approval.”

“Yes ma’am, I'll let my son know of the mission.”

Agent Light then turns slowly and walks out the room. Light then calls his son to let him know what needs to be done. Miss boss of missions is very considerate of Agent Light she knows to give light the biggest mission they have on the case. Light is done for the day and heads home to meet with his family for supper, when there he will speak upon the mission's necessities. Light was greeted by his wife and son with smiles and hugs and began to take a seat at the elegantly set table.

“Son, I have a request from Miss Boss herself.”

“What might that be now father?”

“She would like you to assist me in this new mission, you will be transferred to the all-scholars academy to be-friend the enemy's son, to give me certain information, how does that sound?”

“Sounds great when do we start?”

“As soon as possible everything is already set up the last thing we would need to do is get your uniform which we could do tomorrow in the morning.”

Light and his son get the shopping done the next day with no worries, uniform already tailored. The next day Light takes his son to the academy with high hopes to make progress with his mission. Light's son, Santi, had slowly walked into the classroom and spotted the enemy's son easily and made strong eye contact with him. The enemy's son, Michael, spotted Santi and began to see him as competition to outstand him in anything. Santi began to introduce himself in front of the class in hopes that Michael would spark an interest in speaking to him.

“This boy is going to go down” the words Michael whisper underneath his breath. First is finally over, Santi sees Michael with a group of boys walking to the second block, Santi walks up to Michael in hopes to befriend him.

“Hey, I’m Santi, your name is?”

“What do you care?”

“In hopes to become friends, if that's okay with you.”

“Listen, I'm just going to tell you now since you're new, you're a nobody to me, nothing but a commoner, SO GET LOST!”

Santi pauses, while the group of boys laugh continuing to walk to class.

“Hey, don’t worry about Michael, he is a pain at first, just have to get to know him.”

“Oh hey, names Santi, you are?”

“Becky! I love your charm on your bag! It's a small orange cat that matches mine, LOOK!”

“Oh, it does! Are you going to art for the second block?”

“Yes, I am! I heard we are playing with clay.”

“That sounds fun! Want to walk together?”

“Yes of course!”

They walk to the second block together and speak about things they have in common. Michael watches them walk into the classroom and is furious that they seem to be having fun laughing. The class starts and the teacher begins to give out the instructions.

“Today you will draw a paper from this bowl that has an animal on it and you will recreate the animal in your own vision”

The students began to pull papers out and start on their animal projects. Every student has a different animal and to create them uniquely, such as painting, cutting and pasting, molding, drawing, etc.

“Why doesn't this look right!? WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE CRAP!!” shouts out Michael.

“Do you want me to help?” whispers Santi.

“No, I don’t need a commoner's help…m-maybe I do.”

“Do you want me to show you how to use the clay?”

“Yes…please…” Michael says hesitantly.

Then finally the bell rings for the end of second block, all the students all walk in groups to the next class. Michael walks up to Santi in hopes to thank him for the help.

“Thank you Santi.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it. It's the least I could do.”

“Sorry for what I said earlier, it was very inconsiderate of me.”

“It’s okay don’t worry about it, I forgive you.”

“Have lunch with me, my treat.”

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