Elsa's Villain Speech | Teen Ink

Elsa's Villain Speech

September 19, 2023
By MaremMalaty BRONZE, New Port Richey, Florida
MaremMalaty BRONZE, New Port Richey, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All my life I hid, afraid of hurting others. I hid away from everyone and everything because of the fear of putting them in danger because of me. But when everyone found out about my powers, they saw me as a monster. No one was afraid of hurting me. They targeted me and treated me like I was a dangerous animal that needed to be hunted and killed. I had to run and hide from the only home I have ever known from the only people I have ever known. Even my own sister, my only family, didn’t understand. Anna couldn’t understand that I was just trying to protect her. She didn’t understand why I was so scared to let anyone near me. Everyone hated me for something I didn’t know how to control. I tried to protect my kingdom and my sister, but they could never understand. They can’t understand how it feels to be born with a curse like this and being forced to hide and live in fear. No one understands how it feels to live with this burden and instead of them trying to understand, they just tried to get rid of me. I spent my whole life hiding to protect them just for them to want to hurt me now that they know the truth about the curse I have had to live with my entire life. I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I’m not going to let them hurt me.

I don’t deserve to be killed for something I didn’t ask for. And they don’t seem to understand that I’m the stronger one. I’m the one with the powers and now that they made me their enemy, I’m going to fight back. They think they got me under control, but they don’t understand that I can easily freeze the entire kingdom with a singular move of my hand. And that is exactly what I am doing to do. I’m going to bury Arendelle in snow. I’m going to give them something to actually be afraid of. I’m going to be the monster they painted me to be and so much worse. I’m going to make them feel my rage and make them live in fear just like I had to my entire life. They made this mistake of making me an enemy. Now it’s just a matter of time before Arendelle is buried in snow and ice. Everyone who’s ever tried to hurt me will suffer. I’m done being Arendelle’s perfect queen, I’m done being the perfect sister, I’m done letting it go.

The author's comments:

My name is Marem. I am a sophomore in high school. I wrote this piece for an english class assignment and i really enjoyed getting creative. 

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