Jumpman | Teen Ink


September 22, 2023
By Anonymous

 Jordan, a 18 year old Senior in Chicago. Growing up in the streets of Chicago was not always easy for Jordan with gang violence, and a high murder rate. At a young age Jordan lost his father to a mass shooting in Chicago. Growing up without a father was tough on Jordan, One thing Jordan and his father were close with was Basketball. Basketball was a sport that brought Jordan happiness and was very enjoyable for him. Jordan tried out for his High School basketball team, the day of the tryouts was the day Jordan was able to show out. Jordan had the coaches speechless with crazy layups on the layup line, lock down defense, tight handles and limitless 3's in scrimmage At the end of Tryouts Coach DeMeco gathered everyone who tried out and said "there will be a yellow paper with 12 names on it tapped to my office" if your name is on the yellow paper you have made the team. The next week everyone who attended tryouts came back to school and checked the yellow paper that was tapped to Coach DeMeco's Office. With a huge smile on Jordan's face like a kid opening presents on a Christmas morning as Jordan looked up at the very top of the yellow paper and saw his full name. As Jordan was leaving Coach DeMeco's Office, Coach DeMeco stopped and pulled everyone who made the team to the side and said their first practice will be after school on Tuesday and have their first game on Friday. Jordan got home and called his mom and told her he made the team she was so proud of him and told Jordan ``you have a big future ahead of you as long as you can keep your head up and keep grinding" your dream can come true. That statement stuck with Jordan and pushed Jordan to becoming a better man and player. After practice on Tuesday Coach DeMeco gathered all the players together and called out the starting lineup. Friday night was Jordan's first game of the season with a packed out gym and his mother in the stands, Jordan was ready to play .The starting lineup was Jordan and 4 of his teammates , Jordan and his team walked out with a 75 to 72 win over the Number 2 rank school in the nation with amazing stats of 34 points, 11 rebounds and 3 blocks and player of the game. Jordan received an email from Duke saying how they want to recruit Jordan in the future, with the offer of Jordan's own college dorm and college classes paid for, Jordan was all in for Duke.

The author's comments:

We where writing short story's in class and I wanted to write this story because it shows real life situations and goals.

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