Joker's Self-Confession | Teen Ink

Joker's Self-Confession

September 22, 2023
By jackgao BRONZE, Tarponsprings, Florida
jackgao BRONZE, Tarponsprings, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Good evening citizens of  Gotham City. To introduce myself, yes, you’re right, I’m Joker. 

The people in power described me as a villain, because I will take away everything they have. The people in suffering described me as a hero, because I will bring them light and redemption. I didn’t choose to become Joker, they made me. I am not the nightmare of Gotham, Gotham is the nightmare to me. 

I tried to live like normal people, I went to work like everyone else, and I dressed up like a clown, whirling the billboard, smiling. But the people passing by, nobody treats me like a person. I can still see the contemptuous smiles on their faces, and their disgusted look towards me. When the gangster took my board and beat me up on the street, nobody even took a glance at me. Everyone thought I was just a pathetic clown. 

Soon, I lost my job because the gangsters broke my billboard. As always, my psychiatrist won’t listen to a word from me, and she just gave me the useless medicines once again. I applied for a second job, as a comedian, then I was fired because I had a gun to protect myself. 

Have you ever wondered why your life was always a tragedy? I understand now, if you never fight back, you will live in the shadows forever. 

The people were right, I was a pathetic clown, but not anymore. The first time I killed anybody was on a subway. Three scumbags were harassing a girl on the subway at night, then they tried to hit me, so I killed them. Yes, it was that simple. Surprisingly, I felt good and relaxed. I act like a clown every day to make people happy. I have a smile on my face every day, but I’ve never truly felt happy before. The rich people, the rule makers, decide what is right and wrong. Why do we have to live by the rules they made to benefit themselves? They think we are poor because we didn’t work hard, but they didn’t know we were born in families that could barely feed ourselves. They don’t want to know what our life is like because they don’t have to unless we show them by actions. They never knew what the metro was like at 9 p.m. because they didn't have to work hard until night, they never cared about street thugs and homeless people, because they transferred in private cars and pretended to not see. Hardworking people never get paid high, the ones who sit comfortably in the office do. Our contributions and kindness to the world were stepped on like cockroaches in the trash dump. Do you think you will accept this?

My answer is no, we can’t let them suck our blood and live the life we deserve. Once I suffered in obscurity, now everyone knows my name. Stop letting the fake justice torture your soul, equality is just an imagination of the rule makers. When I’m a good person, the bad people bully me. When I become the villain, those good people judge me. Justice is only in the hands of a few. Together, you and me, let’s break their beautiful masks and lies, and feel ourselves once again! 

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on Sep. 28 2023 at 9:34 pm
justarandomguy, Florida, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
don't let people define you, only you can.

How did you get the scars?