When we Were Young | Teen Ink

When we Were Young

October 3, 2023
By Anonymous

Do you ever wish you could be a kid again? You had no worries, you were creative, everything and everyone was cool, you didn’t care about how others thought about you, you would play with anything you saw, you were never bored, everything was fun and classic, and everybody was your friend. This is exactly how old McMillen felt. One day he was sitting inside his house on his stained and squeaky rocking chair. It was gloomy but there was a small beam of light falling in the room. He was reading that day's newspaper. He noticed an article and image that wrote about the town's marathon coming up. While reading this, it took old McMillen back to memories when he was young. He remembered doing track in Middle and High School. He remembered how fast he was. You would go into his room and spot several trophies and medals placed around his room. Right when he had a big smile on his face he started looking at where he was now and that smile began to fade away. He thought about how free he felt as a kid and how confined he felt now. He imagined the wind running through his flowy hair, as he ran past the finish line. Now he roams around with a cane in his hand and aches in his back. He longed for that spirit and energy of a youngster again. He remembered how popular he was and how many friends he used to have. Nowadays he sits alone with silence in the air. He remembered the big town he used to live in. Everybody was out walking around or amusing each other. As of now he lives in an old worn down town. The only noises he would hear was the wind flying through the trees and the old, rough, creaky, and deserted windmills rotating through the air. Don’t look now, but old McMillen is fast asleep. He probably shouldn’t have filled his weary mind with too many memories. Well, at least he gets to dream of delightful memories.

The author's comments:

I always remember how easy, fun, adventurous it was when I was younger. It was easy to talk to people. I never felt anxious. I had so much fun with my twin sister. My parents would get mad at me for being sunburnt because I was outside all day! I had so much fun with playing and doing dress up. I was so creative and thought I knew everything. once I got in my teenager years I changed drastically. I feel like a whole new/different person. I wish I could go back to being young again for one day.  

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