The Darkness at the Bottom of the Steps | Teen Ink

The Darkness at the Bottom of the Steps

October 6, 2023
By orchidWinters BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
orchidWinters BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You tread lightly on the steps. Looking down into the musty cold of the cellar, You are struck with sudden dread. It should be quick: sprint down, get the jam from the cabinet tucked behind the entryway, sprint up(carefully). The light switch is right on the inside of the door, and you would be able to see it if the light was on. But it’s easier to convince yourself something is real when you can see it. What if you got down the stairs and there was no light switch? What if all there was down there was the darkness? You look longingly up the stairs to your family. That’s enough you’re fourteen you run down the stairs. And trip on the last step, unaware how close you come to bashing your head in on the middle door hinge. But you catch the bannister and step into the darkness. The darkness caresses the nape of your neck with its long fingers, bent at weird angles in weird places. You can feel the hot breath of the darkness tickling the hairs on the back of your head. !WAKE UP! You grope for the light switch on your left for a couple seconds which feel like minutes, and it’s so much easier to convince yourself something is real when you can see it. Then you find the light switch with your hand, and you flick it on. Light floods the room and you aren’t scared anymore. Then you turn around. It’s so much easier to convince yourself that something is real when you can see it.

The author's comments:

My name is Orchid. I go to the Highly Gifted Magnet at North Hollywood High. I like to read Stephen King and watch horror movies. I also spend my time playing tennis and coding video games.

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