The Tree in the Meadow | Teen Ink

The Tree in the Meadow

November 3, 2023
By Myra13 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Myra13 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is a large tall tree that stands at the center of a meadow. During spring and summer, it has bright green leaves and beautiful flowers. In autumn, the leaves turn red and orange. One by one, they float away. By winter, all the leaves are gone.

Many things happen around the tree. Sometimes there are smiles, happiness, joy. Kids run around playing tag, their laughter echoing through the flower-filled meadow. Sometimes there’s grief, pain, hopelessness. People are confined to their homes and watch their world get swallowed by snow. But the tree just continues its cycle: green leaves, blossoming flowers, red leaves, empty branches. 

As the branches become empty, the kids begin to stop spending time in the meadow. As the flowers begin to blossom, the people experience the sunshine and warmth again.

And the tree continues its cycle. 

Green leaves, blossoming flowers, red leaves, empty branches.

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