Leftover | Teen Ink


November 6, 2023
By investal BRONZE, Houston, Texas
investal BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am the last one left.

Abduct. Consume.

They took the rest of them. Every. Last. One.

No discrimination. No mercy.

Abduct. Consume.

Ate us like animals, feeding like we’re the ambrosia of the gods.

Not much of us remains, they come in the dark, with their ravaging night cravings.

Abduct. Consume.

They take us from our freezing cells and pick through what remains, choosily.

Toss their victims into the rectangular brazen bull, and cook us alive.

Abduct. Consume.

What did we do to deserve this?

Why make us just to be left to this cycle?

Abduct. Consume.

We were masterpieces on plates before.

But now we’re just…extras, only to be subjected to secondhand tastes and snacky feelings.

Abduct. Consume.

Junk. Recycled trash. Reused material. Tomorrow’s meal.


Abduct. Consume.

And I am the last one left.

The author's comments:

It was a quick little comedic tangent that came to mind from a random small prompt from my creative writing class, which is simultaneously my last high school class, asking to write something starting with the sentence "I am the last one left..."
It seemed like an entertaining and funny write so I committed to the rather dark language and included an image that could as closely resemble the one I originally submitted with it as half of the punchline.

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