The Underwear Deal | Teen Ink

The Underwear Deal

December 19, 2023
By chaselasater BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
chaselasater BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My friend Mason and I were very bored one day. It had been a long time since we had hung out so we really had no idea what to do. Mason moved away what felt like years ago so making time to hang out has been harder. As we waited around we decided to go get some food to pass time. We got in the car and Mason went to start his car but it would not start. He tried everything and all we did was burst out laughing. Mason drives his moms car when his dad is using his truck so we decided to call his mom. After waiting around his mom finally called back and said she was having the car towed and for Mason to just wait for the guy to get there. All was well when the tow truck came rolling up. The person got out of this big truck and it ended up being a teenage girl. To our surprise she was there to help tow the truck. We were laughing because we honestly were not in belief this girl would be able to do such a big job all by herself. She got to work and we sat there and kind of played around and made a bet. If she was able to get the job done Mason had to ask her on a date. If she did not get the job done I  had to run down the street in my underwear. As time went by we waited inside because we were still hungry from not getting to eat. We played a few video games and jumped on my trampoline. 

It was starting to get dark and we realized we had not gone to see if she was okay in a while. Mason had gotten sidetracked and I had taken a nap. We went out there but her and her truck, along with Mason's car were gone. Disappeared into thin air. We called Mason's mom and she said she would call the company. The company explained that the girl had never checked in with the car, and they had no clue where she was. We were laughing so hard we could not breathe. Mason was in utter shock she was just missing. After waiting a few hours Mason's parents got the police involved and they did eventually find her car. The girl working for them was Mason, brought up a good point that technically she did take the car with her, meaning I  had to run around in his underwear. So I went outside stripped of all my clothes and started running down the road. Unfortunately I tripped and fell and my neighbor saw. It was all on video and to this day it is the funniest video ever to be seen. This day will forever hold a significant memory in my heart. 

The end to the most embarrassing story of my life

The author's comments:


My name is Chase. My plans after high school are to play baseball at Maryville University and study sports business management and marketing. 

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