Bouncing in the icy driver’s seat | Teen Ink

Bouncing in the icy driver’s seat

January 4, 2024
By mhhilgendorf19 BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
mhhilgendorf19 BRONZE, Manchester, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bouncing into the icy driver’s seat, I brutally turned the ignition on for the heat, quivering while waiting for the heat to hit my frozen body. I began to drive down the bumpy road to leave my neighborhood but suddenly stopped when I overlooked a stop sign. Moving onto the main road, I rolled down the window along with the smell of a skunk, which reminded me of rotten eggs and made me tearful. Concerning to cover my nose with my sweatshirt, gagging almost about to relinquish. A couple of miles later, far in the distance, I could see astonishing mountains. Roughly stopping and parked, wanting to sit and enjoy the wonderful view. Taking an inhalation, noticing the rounded ridges and high points. These mountains weren’t just typical, they reminded me of the true power of nature. Rolling the window down, I could hear the crisp air like eating snow when I was little. This view was stunning until indirectly shot out of bed only to realize this was all a dream. 

The author's comments:

I love to exercise 

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