My mom | Teen Ink

My mom

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

I am very grateful for my mom because she is always there for me in so many different ways, I can always count on her to help me through things, I can count on her to make me laugh, and I can count on her to make me improve as a person. 

She means so much to me because she's my best friend, I love her with every bit of my heart. 

Every night-I sit upstairs and watch tv or a movie with her no matter how I'm feeling. She's constantly putting me before herself especially when I have homework and need help. She finds time to sit down and help me understand. 

She does so much for me, exceptionally with hockey. Hockey is surprisingly expensive but she pays for it since she knows I adore it. We travel for hockey nearly every weekend but she comes with me because she knows I love it.

My mom would take a bullet for me and I would too.

The author's comments:

I chose to write this piece because i care a lot about my mom and so I felt like I should explain that in my writing.

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