My Dreams | Teen Ink

My Dreams

January 18, 2024
By Anonymous

When thinking of one word to describe honey buns, overrated implodes Andrews Schmit’s brain. Andrew is done with the way he’s being treated. He knows no one is ready for him. He knows he is underrated. He doesn’t care what other people say because he knows he will be over hated. He knows it is his time, it’s outdated. Mateo Bova lets his eyes slip and fall away into the pleasant wonderland he calls his dream even when he is in class. His dreams are filled with meadows and the pleasant scent of green grass. In his dreams, he can run really fast. Mateo wishes to put on a lot of mass. Mateo wondered, what is the best thing I can do to gain this mass? Achoo! With his 5th sneeze in 5 minutes Big Fella knew what was going on. Big fella is always sick. But at least in football he has a hit stick. Eating a lollipop he works on his lick. He’s always in the woods picking up sticks. His name is Will, and he is compared to Garlock. After school he drives to Kwik trip where he decides to fill the ever-growing black hole in his stomach, he calls hunger. In order to end the misery of starvation he eats from a sweet, savory Nutella jar. He grinds footy and is going to make it far. But, when he smells pie, he flies just like a star. Will’s feet rose off the ground as the smell of pie gracefully floated through the air and into his nose. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this about some of my friends and how I saw them in my dreams. 

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