Tangled in Ice: A Frozen Twist on Rapunzel | Teen Ink

Tangled in Ice: A Frozen Twist on Rapunzel

March 4, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, there lived a child of the sun, Rapunzel. Rapunzel’s mother, Queen Arianna, was struggling during her pregnancy. They weren’t sure if the baby would make it. Until one day a mysterious witch came knocking at the castle doors. 

The castle doors open to an older-looking woman. She wore a white cape thrown over her sage green dress. 

“Hello, my name is Mother Brooklyn and I have the answer for the queen.” The woman claimed. She had white, fragile hair. There was a rumor of a magical flower not far from the castle. “The Golden Flower” they called it. 

The castle men search the enchanted forests in urgent search of the flower. And one night during their search they saw a glimpse of light under a bush. The men walked over to the light and spread the bush open to reveal a golden, glowing flower. When they brought it to the queen, she drank from it and soon she had a little baby girl, Princess Rapunzel. Rapunzel was the most beautiful baby girl the King and Queen could’ve asked for. 

One cold, icy night a strange creek woke the King from his slumber. He followed the strange noise into the foyer. When the king came back to bed, Rapunzel was gone from the crib. 

“Guards!” the King screamed, waking the Queen. 

“What is wrong Fredric?” the queen asked. The king looked down at the crib. The queen screamed, “My baby!”

The Ice Queen took the baby for the use of her lucious, golden hair. Little did the king and queen know what their own daughter’s hair was capable of. The blonde locks contained the secret to the Ice Queen’s youth and beauty. 


A few years later, the Ice Queen was brushing Rapunzel’s hair and singing a familiar song. As the Queen sings the hair glowed like stars in the night, the hair that refreshed the Ice Queen’s youth. On that same night, Rapunzel looks out the window. She sees the floating lights that appear only on her birthday.

“Mother, are those lights for me?” Rapunzel asked the Ice Queen.

“Oh honey, they are just stars. Now come back, it's time for bed.” Rapunzel walked back into the room as the Ice Queen slammed the ice window doors closed. 

Rapunzel goes to bed but can’t help wanting to see the lights for herself. She carefully walked back to the window, opened the doors, and looked out into the sky. As she was gazing among the floating lights, she felt a soft rub against her foot. Rapunzel looks over her left shoulder to see a little furry animal. At first, Rapunzel jumped back startled by the little creature. The Ice Queen has always told Rapunzel what would happen if she interacted with any sort of animal from the outside world. It wasn’t that Rapunzel was scared of the furry creature but she was afraid that she might hurt it. But, the pudgy cheeks and stripes trotted toward her. It nudged her with its wet nose making a high-pitched trill. Rapunzel let out her hands and into them came the chipmunk. Rapunzel immediately felt warmth, safety, and comfort. That night Rapunzel brought the chipmunk to bed with her. She laid out a wadded-up blanket and sat the chipmunk to bed. 

Ten years later Rapunzel was to turn 18. Rapunzel spent the morning cleaning the castle, baking cakes, and painting on her walls. Rapunzel was painting a picture of herself touching the floating lights. Hoping the Ice Queen would let her see them for her birthday. Rapunzel was wearing her royal blue gown. It had beautiful white lace trim and a divine neckline. The Ice Queen always wore black dresses and insisted Rapunzel was to wear blue because the color charmed her deep blue eyes. Rapunzel had gotten that dress on her 14th birthday; the Ice Queen was always to leave the week before her birthday to retrieve an enchanted birthday present and return on the day of. 

Rapunzel could hear the footsteps of the queen as her heels clicked against the ice steps. 

“Hello mother,” Rapunzel greeted her mother as she walked up the staircase. “How was your trip?” 

“Well, darling tiring as always.” I brought home croissants to make your favorite pastries.

“About that mother-” 

“Rapunzel look in that mirror, you know what I see. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh, look at you here too.” The Ice Queen chuckles. “I’m just teasing Rapunzel.”

Rapunzel giggled fakely,  “So mother about my–”

“About what?” The Ice Queen replied

“Well, I was thinking for my 18th birthday I could leave the castle to see the floating lights. 

The Ice Queen chuckled. 

“Mother, I just have always wanted–”

“You must be joking right.” Rapunzel looks at the queen blankly. “You know why I keep you in this tower? To keep you safe and sound. Rapunzel I told you what happens when you go out into the outside world.  We can’t risk that.” The Ice Queen slammed her hands on the ice chair causing it to shatter into pieces.

“But mother–”

“Enough Rapunzel. I said you can’t see the lights. Don’t ever ask to leave this castle again.” 

“Okay,” Rapunzel sighed, “Well, what about the flowers that you got me that one year, do you think you could get me those?”

“Okay, Rapunzel. It will be a three-day trip. I will be back soon. I love you” The Ice Queen says as she leaves the castle. 

“Love you more,” Rapunzel sighed. “I’ll be here.” Rapunzel sat down on the ice floor. The chipmunk stared at her from the corner of the room. It chirps as it comes over to Rapunzel. It climbed into her lap and snuggled in her blue dress. 


Meanwhile, in Arendelle where the king and queen live, there lies the lost princess’s crown. In a sealed glass box surrounded by guards. In the room, the doors peek open. The guards all turn to the door guns up ready to protect the crown. 

“Meow,” they heard. The guards look down and to their surprise, they see a furry, little kitten. 

“Relax,” one of the guards said. “It’s just a little kitten. The guards turned back around and there was no crown. The guards rush out of the room.

On the roof there is a man running, well that’s me. Hi, I’m Flynn Rider. Yes, I just stole the kingdom's most valuable possession. Why may you ask? That’s a story for another time. 

“Flynn!” One of the guards shouted. I looked back to see six guards chasing after me. I jumped off the roof to another lower building where I could escape. They chased me into the enchanted forest where I hid in a bush.  I waited until the guards passed by and I could see the area was clear. I begin to wander the forest. At some point, it started to look like winter. Snow and rocks were everywhere, it was chilly and windy. Through the thick trees, I can see a trail of smoke. Of course, I followed it. 

It's a log cabin. I could see the lights inside. It looked warm and cozy. There was a sign hung from the top of the cabin. I shook it to knock the snow off. It reads Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post. I walk inside to see a plumber. He had an orange mustache and a hat that matched his sweater.

 “Yoo-hoo.” The man says. “Big summer blowout.” 

The door opened. This time a young lady came through. She looked very cold and fragile. “Half-off swimming suits, clogs, and sum balm of my own invention.” The plum man said. 

“Oh great! For now, how about boots, winter boots, and dresses.” The woman replied.

“That would be in our winter department.” The woman nodded and went over to the winter section. Meanwhile, I sat by the fire warming my hands and soaking in the heat. 

“Have you seen a girl in your store by chance?” The woman asked.

“Only one crazy enough to be out here in this weather is you, dear, oh, and that man over there.” The woman looked over towards me. She is wearing a black and green dress, under her purple cloak. There were prints of gold along the dress as well, giving it a more royal effect. 

“Hello. My name is Annabelle. I am the daughter of Queen Arianna and King Fedrick.” Annabelle introduced herself to us. Of course, I knew who she was. She was the second daughter of the King and the Queen. And she was seriously the princess’s sister whose crown I had in my satchel and had just stolen from the palace.

“Have you seen a young girl? Blonde hair, blue eyes, about my height, maybe?” Anabelle asked me this time.

“I’m sorry, I have not,” I replied. Annabelle sighed.

“Well thank you for your help.” She says politely as she gets up to leave. 

“But I can help you look.” Did I know what I was doing? No definitely not but the least I could do is help the poor girl look. 

“Would you?!” Annabelle asked.

“Well sure, I can do anything to help my King and Queen.” Annabelle led me outside to her horse she had sitting outside of the cabin.

“This is Maximus.” 

“Wow, a real palace horse.” He was a white horse with a gorgeous white main. The horse angrily neighed at me.

“Maximus,” Annabelle said, “He’s here to help us. Don’t be so harsh” We headed out into the cold. The storm only gets worse and the cold only gets colder. “It’s getting dark,” Annabelle says.

“Yeah, the night will probably get really cold. I will go gather some things to help us stay warm.” I headed out to look for some materials. I found something that looked like a blanket shoved underneath a rock. I pushed the rock over and when I looked out my eyes couldn’t believe what I saw. I rushed back and followed my tracks. 

“Annabelle you’ve gotta check this out.” Maximus and Annabelle both follow me as I lead them behind the rock. It's a castle. A humongous castle of ice.

 “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” I looked over at Annabelle who was looking up at the castle. It's just covered in snow and rocks. It’s almost frightening. 

“Hello?” I called out. My voice echoes off the ice of the castle. Since nobody answered I slung the satchel that contained the lost princess’s crown across my body and headed up the staircase. Anabelle followed. We got up the staircase and into the most elegant room we had ever seen.

“The detailing in here is just magical. Look.” Annabelle points to the ceiling where there is a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. In the middle of the room, there is a frozen water fountain.“Hello is anybody home? Your palace is beautiful.” There was no answer. Anabelle and I decided to spend the night. It wouldn’t be a warm night but it would be better than outside.

I wake to Anabelle’s scream. We wake up tied to ice chairs. 

“Who are you?” Rapunzel asked Annabelle as she backed away into a dark corner.

“Who are you?! And why have you tied us up?” I yelled back.

“ I don’t want to hurt you,” Rapunzel replied.

“What do you mean to hurt us? We are tied up to chairs!” Anabelle snarked. 

What’s your name?” she asked Rapunzel.

“My name is Rapunzel.” Annabelle froze in shock. Annabelle looked over at me. Concerned I carried the conversation.

“Why are you in this castle all alone?” I asked Rapunzel who remained in the dark corner.

“Who are you and why are you here?” Rapunzel exclaimed.

“My name is Flynn. We got lost in the storm.”

“Why did you come here?”

“We needed a place to stay over the night. This could be a lot easier if we knew who we were talking to, you know.” 

“I told you my name.” 

“How do we know you’re not lying.”

Rapunzel steps out of the darkness. I see Anabelle watch as a girl about 18 years old, with long blonde hair, royal blue eyes, and a gown with lace detailing walk out into the light.

Anabelle gasped in shock. A tear fell from her eye.

“Well thank you,” Flynn says. “Now Blondie, could you kindly untie us and we’ll be on our way.”

Rapunzel turns to Chipmunk who is sitting on her shoulder. It looks as if she can understand the chipmunk although he’s just chirping. 

“I know. I think he’s telling the truth,” she whispers to the chipmunk. “But I need someone to take me. He doesn’t have fangs.”

Rapunzel turns back around. “We prepared to make a deal. Look this way.”

She walks over to the wall that is covered by a curtain. She unties it to reveal a painting she has drawn. “I will until you if you take me to see the lights”

“The lights?” Annabelle asked.

“Yes, the floating lights that happen once a year on my birthday. The ones I have painted.”

“You mean the lantern thing they do for the princess?”

“Lanterns? I knew they weren’t stars”  she said certainly to herself. “Well, tomorrow they will release these lanterns into the sky. You will take me to see these lanterns and return me home safely. Then I will return your belongings.”

“Our belongings?’ Annabelle asks. 

“Yes, I have taken your belongings.”

Frantically, I looked down at my waist. “My satchel! Where’s my satchel!”

“I have hidden it somewhere you will never find it.”

“So let me get this straight, we take you to see the lanterns, bring you home safely and you’ll give me back my satchel?”

“I promise.”

“Fine, we’ll take you to see the lanterns.” 

So Rapunzel untied us and we left the castle. As we were walking down the staircase Rapunzel looked a bit weary.

“Don’t get out much?” I asked her.

“No, not really.”

“Well let's get going, blondie we don’t have all day.”

We started on our way back to Arendelle. Annabelle had so many questions for Rapunzel. Rapunzel was quite overwhelmed by the whole “outside world” thing.

When we got back to the kingdom we took her to the local town’s market. 

“What is this place?” Rapunzel asked.

“This is the town's market. Where all the kids grow up and how the people make their money.” Annabelle replied. Not much later the kids all ran up to Rapunzel fascinated by her long, lucious, locks of gold hair. 

“Excuse me,” one of the kids tapped on Rapunzel’s shoulder. “May we please braid your hair.” Rapunzel just thought this was the best thing ever. 

“Why yes of course you can.” The kids all gathered as they braided blondie’s hair. They put all sorts of flowers of all different colors. I had never seen a smile so big on a girl before. After they braided their hair, Rapunzel played with the kids singing and dancing to the music with them. 

“She looks so happy.” Annabelle leaned over to tell me.

“She does,” I replied. 

We stopped to get some fruit at one of the stands. I look over at Rapunzel. She's looking up at the mural of the lost princess. There are some kids nearby. One of them sets a bouquet on the ledge of the mural. 

“It’s for the lost princess,” the girl tells her friend. Rapunzel looks back up at the mural. We turn around to the sound of music playing. Rapunzel, impulsively,  gets into the middle of the street and begins dancing. She grabbed a woman's hand and she started to dance with her. Not too soon later everybody is dancing and having a great time. 

“Flynn! Annabelle! Come dance!” Rapunzel yells at us. Annabelle joins them dancing willingly as I get pushed by Annabelle's horse. A lady gives me a purple handkerchief with a sun on it. I give it to Rapunzel. She held it up to the sky and showed me it was just like the banner hanging from the buildings above. Her smile only gets bigger. After that, she uses chalk and helps the kids draw the sun on the ground. 

“So are you going to tell her?” I ask Annabelle.

“I don’t know if she’s ready,” Annabelle said.

“Tell her after the lights, so I get my satchel back.”

“What’s so important about your satchel?”

“Just valuable things in there.” 

It was starting to get dark and Rapunzel still wanted to see the lights so we took her out on the boat to see them. When we came to a stop in the river Rapunzel asked me to hold her hair.

“Hey, would you mind holding my hair for me?”

“Not at all,” I told Rapunzel.

 She picked off a few of the flowers in her braid and carefully placed them in the river water. She looks up from the water to the sky. Her eyes light up. They are glistening from something above. Rapunzel stands up to get a better view of the lanterns, almost knocking the boat down. She looks peaceful as she stares at them. There are hundreds of lanterns by now. I look over at Anabelle. She’s admiring Rapunzel. The lost princess, her lost sister, experiences the beauty of the lights for the first time. Anabelle begins to cry. 

“You know, my parents never really ever explained to me what happened that night,” Anabelle says to me. “They had me two years later but it was always like I could never replace her. The lost princess. I just can’t believe I’ve finally found her. I can’t believe it's real.”

“I’m not scared anymore. I’m not afraid to leave my castle. You know what I mean?” Rapunzel told me.

“I think I’m starting to,” I said under my breath. Then we take our lanterns and release them into the sky together.

Meanwhile, back at the Ice Queen’s castle, the Ice Queen returned home a bit early.

“Rapunzel!” The Ice Queen shouts as she walks up the stairs. “I’ve got a surprise for you. Rapunzel?” There was no response. The Ice Queen became very nervous. She was looking all around the castle. She rushed up the staircase leading to Rapunzel’s room when she tripped and fell on one of the stairs. The Ice Queen had never slipped and fallen in her castle before. That’s when the Ice Queen found the satchel Rapunzel had hidden. The Ice Queen snatched the satchel out of the stairs and began to panic. 

“What have you done!” She screamed.

The Ice Queen ran out of the castle in search of Rapunzel.


Back in the boat, Anabelle and Rapunzel watch the lanterns as they talk. Just thinking about all the years they could’ve been sisters and grew up together makes me sad. 

“Rapunzel I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” Anabelle says.

“And what’s that?” Rapunzel asked confused.

“You remember the lost princess that was in the mural. The one the lanterns are for?” 

“Yes?” Rapunzel began to question what Annabelle was asking.

“They are for you Rapunzel. You’re the lost princess.” Annabelle told her.

Rapunzel gasps in shock. “No that’s not–. It can’t–” Rapunzel thinks long and hard for a moment. She closes her eyes and imagines the mural she saw earlier today. The princess with blonde hair and blue eyes. The princess is wearing a blue dress. The sun that once used to hang above her crib. The sun of the lost princess. A tear falls from Rapunzel’s face. “I’m the lost princess,” she says.

They both cry as they hug one another. We head back to the castle. Anabelle and Rapunzel are chatting on the way as I hang back with Maximus and Chipmunk who have seemed to become best friends. 

“Do you feel that?” Anabelle asks us.

“Feel what?” I replied.

“The chill,” Anabelle said.

“Oh no,” said Rapunzel. “She’s found us.”

“Who Rapunzel, who found us!” Annabelle yelled.

“The Ice Queen,” Rapunzel replied.

“Rapunzel! Oh, Rapunzel.” A voice says from the fog above. There's a giggle after coming from the opposite direction. A tall figure appears from out of the fog. She’s lanky, with brown eyes, and dark hair. I could feel something evil about her, a thrill shocked through my skin. “Rapunzel, I told you what happens if you leave the castle.” The Ice Queen chuckled.

“And you lied!” Rapunzel yelled back.

“Rapunzel! How dare you speak to your mother like that!” Yelled the Ice Queen.

“You’re not her mother!” Anabelle yelled. The Ice Queen laughed and flicked her hand at Anabelle. Anabelle fell to the ground. The Ice Queen had used her magic to hurt her.

“How dare you!” Rapunzel yelled.

“Rapunzel, what has gotten into you!”

“I’m the lost princess aren’t I?”

“Rapunzel, you can’t be serious. You are being ridiculous!” The Ice Queen gets really bad and starts throwing around more ice. There are sounds of nearby horses. It’s Maximus and some other palace horses along with the Prince and his army. 

“Drendia, I knew we’d meet again.”

“Oh, Fredric! Did you miss me?” The Queen laughed.

The King looks over at Rapunzel. His eyes get teary as he sees her for the first time.

“Is it her?” The King's voice cracks.

“This is my daughter Rapunzel.”

“That is my daughter. I know that’s my daughter. You are an evil and sick woman!”

The queen laughs as she uses her power to knock the king away. The Queen continues to laugh as the King trembles to get up from the ground. “Oh, Drendia you have no idea what is coming for you.” And in all honesty, none of us knew what was about to happen would change our lives forever.

“What is going on?” Rapunzel looks down at her hair. Her hair was glowing. Her entire head of hair was shining, lighting up the street like how the lanterns lit up the night sky. 

“Rapunzel, how are you doing that?” The Ice Queen asked, very confused.

“It’s not me.”

“Your right dear, it’s the flower.” Out of the fog all of the horses turn around. Mother Brooklyn appeared with the flower held in her hand. 

“Brooklyn!” The Ice Queen shouted.

“Oh, Drania what have you done?” 

“What do you have in there?” The Ice Queen knew exactly what she had with her. She had the flower that was saving her life.

“Do it now.” Mother Brooklyn said.

Rapunzel gasped. Every head turned to look at her. The chipmunk was holding a knife. Rapunzel's hair stopped glowing. In fact, the hair was gone. It turned brown. Rapunzel now had short brown hair. 

“Nooo!!! What have you done!!!” The Ice Queen screamed. She started to throw the ice everywhere. A huge snowstorm corrupted. Blondie ran into my arms as she was screaming. Everyone was panicking except for Mother Brooklyn. She was just smiling with the flower. 

“I’m so sorry,” I told Rapunzel.

“Flynn, you saved my life.”

I looked down at her precious blue eyes. Even though she was crying she looked more beautiful than ever before. I leaned down and I kissed her. I kissed her as if it was our last chance to see each other. The last time I could see her genuine smile and rosy red cheeks. The last time I would experience her beautiful laugh and kind, warm heart that had been locked away and kept in the cold for so long. And then the storm stopped. 

And the Ice Queen was nowhere to be found. Her cape was only left on the ground. The king ran to Rapunzel and hugged her like I had never seen a hug before. They dropped to the ground, his head buried in her shoulder. Anabelle watched as she realized her family was reunited. We went back home to the King and Queen’s castle that night. I got to see the mother and her lost child see each other for the first time in 18 years. I got to see Rapunzel find her true home. 

Two years later, Rapunzel and I are getting married. She’s wearing a beautiful white silk dress with lace trim around the neckline. Her eyes are shining through the light as they always are. And her short, brown hair is curled and in an updo hairstyle. Anabelle is standing next to her with a chipmunk on her shoulder. The king and queen are in the first pew crying hysterically as they see their lost daughter be married to the guy who stole her crown two years ago. Now she is wearing a new crown with different shades of blue diamonds. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. And thanks to Anabelle, we found the lost princess. Happily Ever After.

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