The Deda and the Gone3 | Teen Ink

The Deda and the Gone3

December 17, 2009
By Anonymously,Yours PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
Anonymously,Yours PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
47 articles 2 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Homework hurts trees. :D

December 10
I miss Bruno.
When I was still little, I woold hold Bruno, talk to him, cuddle him, and tell him how much I loved him wile playing with him. It's almost Christmas. Around this time, I woold buy presents for Mom and Dad. But it has been 7 years since I have ever bot a present for anybody. It's my birthday soon, too.


December 15
It's my birthday. I'm 15 now.
Another year of heartache. I wonder if Mom and Dad remember, wherever they are.

I actually didn't have leg pains this morning.

Michaelangelo got me a present.
Guess what it is!
It's a little necklace with a dog chain that looks like
Bruno. He also stole a skull and cross bone charm if I ever wanted to switch it out.
I thanked him and cried a bit. I plan to get him the
best present ever for Christmas. But what?


December 20
It's getting nearer and nearer to Christmas.
What should I get Michaelangelo?


December 22
I've found the perfect thing...
But I'm afraid Michaelangelo'll read this so i can't tell 'til


I sat under the shelter of my ever-becoming-raggedy home, staring at the brown-paper wrapped present. I had paid extra to have it wrapped. In my best handwriting, I had written, "TO: MICHAELANGELO FROM: CALYPSO". Just then, Michaelangelo appeared, so I tried to hide it, but Michaelangelo caught the movement. "What's that?"
"Nothing," I reply.
"Mm hm... Really. What IS that?"
"Just something you can't know about yet," I said, thinking that was probably the most safe answer.

Michaelangelo rolled his eyes and smiled that lopsided smile and held out his hands and told me, "C'mon. I've got something to show you."

We ran to the park, again. Well, I ran and he flew/floated, whatever you want to call it.

The cold, biting air felt sharp on my face, my dark hair whipping around or streaming behind me.

When Michaelangelo stopped, I heard singing. Christmas carols were already being sung. Michaelangelo then pointed and showed me what he wanted me to see. First, the pond had frozen and children were skating or attempting to skate. Then were the carolers, and finally.... the Christmas tree. It was ginormous.

Even my preserverence-hardened face melted a little at the grand sight. It was full and round, perfectly shaped; about 50 ornaments decorated the tree with 4 different strands of Christmas lights. The gray sky made the evergreen seem dark and rich. It was beautiful.

***Chapter 7

December 24
Christmas Eve!
Michaelangelo took me out to look at the Christmas decorations; they were so happy.
The families looked happy and content. Was I the only one who was not content? Why? I tried to keep looking as cheerful as possibble just to not hurt his feelings (how does a punk girl look cheerful? Come on!) but I think Michaelangelo could sense my unhappyness, so he led me back home. I smiled at him, tho. I smiled at him in over welming thanks as he disolved back to the dead world.


December 24
Christmas Eve!
Michaelangelo took me out to look at the Christmas decorations; they were so happy.
The families looked happy and content. Was I the only one who was not content? Why? I tried to keep looking as cheerful as possibble just to not hurt his feelings (how does a punk girl look cheerful? Come on!) but I think Michaelangelo could sense my unhappyness, so he led me back home. I smiled at him, tho. I smiled at him in over welming thanks as he disolved back to the dead world.


I sighed and tried to dream of sugar plums and candy canes, but those happy dreams were gone. Gone with my parents.


December 25
I gave Michaelangelo the present. He loved it, and I am so glad he did.
For a few seconds, I thoht Michaelangelo would hate it, but it turned out he liked it.
Ok, ok. I'll tell you what it is now. It's a shiny new picture frame.
I knew Michaelangelo had a picture of his parents, so I'd gotten him a picture frame.
Also.. a dog.


I whistled. A pitbull cur trotted over to me and nuzzled me, growling like a content cat. "I also found this do, Mich. What do you wanna do with it? I can't keep it and I can't kill it. What should I do with it?"
"I don't know, Calypso. But thanks for him anyway."
"Yeah, it's a him. His name is Bruno."

Something gathered at the corner of Michaelangelo's eyes, which I guessed to be tears. I smiled watery-ly myself and let Michaelangelo pet Bruno. If only Mom and Dad were here to see this...

I breathed deeply.

I decided to do this. I would let Mom and Dad go.

I took another deeeeeeep breath and....

out... .. .

I closed both eyes and imagined in my head me giving Mom and Dad a final hug, no pains in my legs and arms, no more heartache...

I opened my eyes.

Michaelangelo wasn't there. He always knows when you need to be alone. But he had taken Bruno with him. I smiled darkly.

With a sigh, I went into a calm sleep.

For once, I didn't dream anything.

***Chapter 8

In the morning, I massaged both arms, did a couple of stretches for my legs, and set off at a run.
It was getting colder and colder, so I needed to keep my legs warmed up. Pain laced every step now; ever since my legs had given way and I'd been left stranded in the middle of that one dark alley for hours on no ends. I avoided that alley still today.

I jogged in place, did a couple of high kicks with my fists bunched up.

I shivered, my gray jacket was becoming thinner.

I walked the dark streets alone, it was only about 9:00 in the morning.
Michaelangelo never came to me until it was after 11:00.
But then I rounded one sharp corner of one street to turn to West Main
when I saw 5 shadow-y figures. The Manhattan mist was swirling around as usual in the mornings, so I tried to wave my darkly callused hands in front of me as if I wanted to clear the fog away. Of course, the mist just moved right into the gap like light, translucent waves, crashing to the beach shore.

It was eerily quiet, not even the sounds of my breathing or the 5 people's footsteps.

Were they ghosts?
They hadn't visitted me in a loooong while. Why now? I'd let go of Mom and Dad!
But no, as they got closer, I saw...
that they were a gang.
Shoot! I thought inside my head, cursing myself to be walking alone.
I quickly spun on my heels, and nearly screamed.

***Chapter 9

I let a whimpering peep.
It was a skeleton. The skull had one eye in its left socket. The eyeball was bloodshot and was staring, unblinkingly, at me. Then I heard running. I was in West-side territory, so obviously they would want to know who their intruder is.
I slipped out my knife; my batman scar burned.
I ran my knife through the skeleton's neck, then spinal cord, disassembling everything. I ran.
Behind me, the 5 gangsters fell over the pile of bones.

Back in the safety of my shack, I pulled my knees to my chin and thought feverishly why the skeleton was there.

The author's comments:
Is it 3 or is it 4?


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