Monopoly | Teen Ink


March 28, 2010
By PinkeyPromise13 SILVER, Cayce, South Carolina
PinkeyPromise13 SILVER, Cayce, South Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ive got my mouth. Its a weapon. Its a bombshell. Its a cannon. Ive got my words."

"Check mate." He whispered as he passed me in the hall the day after. I played his little game and once again lost. You'd think I'd know better by now. I'm no more than a pawn on the big board of life. How many turns until i learn? Game after game i cant help but to be drawn in. Next turn i'll win. The pieces slowly come into play. I am no longer the fragile pawn in his rough hands. I draw the high cards,I take charge,moving ahead. The game is coming to an end. I know and he knows that he lost. This time I win. "Do not pass go,do not collect $200,just leave." I whisper,giving him a peck on the check. It feels good to win. We'll have to play again sometime.


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