Obituary | Teen Ink


August 28, 2010
By miss-poli GOLD, Bowdon, Georgia
miss-poli GOLD, Bowdon, Georgia
17 articles 4 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It&#039;s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone. &quot;<br /> -World&#039;s Greatest Dad

Poli Mars, wife of Forrest E. Mars—son and grandson of the inventors of M&Ms, Snickers, Milky Way, The Three Musketeers, and the Mars bars, and current share-holder of the Mars Company—died tragically in a dolphin-related accident. Along with being the wife of the multi-billionaire and partial owner of Mars, Inc., Poli was an enthusiastic researcher, philanthropist, and activist of the prestigious research sanatorium for further for further brain development in dolphins, the Higher Mammals Higher Living Opportunity Institution. Poli became the chief benefactor of the university after funding and creating it from the ground up. Her interest in the welfare of these animals’ psychology and peace-of-mind led her to make great scientific discoveries to further the knowledge and education of this specific species. Mrs. Mars contributed more o the dolphin community than anyone before her had ever dreamed. Research for the cure of the Dolphin Common Cold was pushed for by Poli and finally heavily funded by the government with money originally intended for the funding of over 500 more St. Jude’s Hospitals worldwide. Additionally, them government gave the researchers rights to test the product on St. Jude’s patients, because Poli radically opposed animal testing. This extra-ordinary woman made sure that no dolphin in the world would ever go hungry again with her final wish—carried out by the family after her sudden and completely unexpected death—of opening the NO DOLPHIN LEFT BEHIND Corporation. In her lifetime she took the money earned from the unreal sales of Snickers and put them toward the good of America’s favorite aquatic mammal. Infertile, Mrs. Mars treated the dolphin as her own children, with more love than she ever received herself. After Mrs. Mar’s death, Mr. Mars plunged into a deep depression, having been dependent on Poli for taking care of their life, and quickly remarried a young anti-Animal Testing activist. Poli Mars died appreciated and renowned, but what gives everyone peace is that she was pleased with her life, her accomplishments, and herself. “She always had that bright smile on her face that just screamed ‘I advertise for Lumineers and can no longer move my lower jaw!’” recalled her co-worker and close friend. Mrs. Poli Mars will remain in our memories always as the friendly, strong Dolphin Lady.

The author's comments:
My teacher wanted us to write out our obituary. Because no one gets to change what they've done in life-and consequently what is put in their obituary-on their death bed we should figure out what we want it to be now so we can live up to it. I didn't want to be cheesy so I made it funny :)


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