Amber Skyline | Teen Ink

Amber Skyline

September 29, 2010
By nighthair SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
nighthair SILVER, Carrollton, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fight for your beliefs, even if you're proven wrong you still learned to hold your own.

The bright sun shone through the trees, peaking over the black rooftops of the housed, barely catching the eyes of those around. Everyone halted progress to watch the sun set bellow the endless horizon of trees, and rooftops. The deep oranges and yellows, painted across the skyline enhanced the scene, and warmed the roof upon which I lay. The dawning dusk reached out towards the edges of the sky, the tips of its golden fingers unable to even scrape it.
A soft breeze blew down the alley way, shifting the trees just as the sun dropped below the faltering earth. The roof which I lay began to cool, as the rays of sunlight slowly drifted away. The rooftop cools down and the wind picks up, energies emerge as the darkness crawls further towards the fleeting sunlight. The stars begin to appear waiting to for a name, waiting for friendship.

The passion of the scene began to fade out of as the darkness covered the sky. Upon the roof I lay listening to the wind, smelling the fresh scent of burning wood coming from the chimney smoke stacks; hearing the sounds of the owls screech as they chase their prey. The tranquility of the place calms even my restless body and soul, and fades the sound of the world out. It makes it possible to think, to dream, to find myself. The stars before me in the night sky began to fade, as the hour grows late, taking away what little natural light around me.

The rooftop set gives me ideas, takes my fears and takes them; the sky engulfs my dreams and allows them to grow. The rooftop lays cold against my back, pushing up against me, caressing my dreams, and hopes, and thoughts, and ideas provoking them forwards. All around me the darkness sits. Helping me imagine all the things I can do. Upon the rooftop I wait for the sun to emerge victorious again over the night, for the sun warms the rooftop upon which I sit, and heats my mind up for thoughts unimaginable yet. There I sit waiting, once again, for that Amber Skyline to bring back my memories and dreams.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a creative writing class.


This article has 1 comment.

Anyanka GOLD said...
on Oct. 4 2010 at 11:49 am
Anyanka GOLD, Carrollton, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Evil Willow looked around the room and sighed. "This world's no fun." She grumbled. Good willow looked over at her bitterly. "You noticed that too?"'

Okay I think this is the only not depressing and gore filled story I've read of yours and I have to say... IT SUCKED! STICK TO BLOOD AND GORE! Just messing with you so have fun... keep writing... and get annoyed of all my comments.