Slipping Away | Teen Ink

Slipping Away

May 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I felt an itch beneath my skin and soon behind it I heard the soothing sound of a curry brush being rubbed back and forth over a smooth coat of gold. I listened for the sound of breathing but was soon alarmed with the presence of a something that couldn’t be tamed. I pulled up the covers and knew it was time but I didn’t want to go just yet, not until I was completely ready for this. The sound of breathing kept moving closer, crawling into my soul, begging me to become what I was destined to be. I knew I had to go soon but I couldn’t, I wasn’t ready. I had to give in something kept pulling me closer, dragging me deeper and deeper until the temptation was driving me crazy. The smell of earth was enveloping me letting me breathe in its scent but with every intake I could feel the effect. I could feel my humanity slipping away and being replaced by something extraordinary, something wild. I opened my eyes only to see blurs of buckskin and chestnut covering me, not letting me see the last of my human remains. I shut my eyes and let it take me over not caring anymore, now I was ready. I watched myself as I leaped out of the window and into the great unknown. I couldn’t move but I could see, smell and feel everything as clear as the hoofs on my feet.

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