My Camping Trip | Teen Ink

My Camping Trip

June 4, 2012
By Anonymous

I was thirteen years old when we went camping for the last time in our family’s camper. I was so sad that it was going to be the very last time to go camping. My parents had decided to sell the camper. I didn’t approve of the decision, but I was only nine. What was I supposed to do? My brother and I came to terms with the fact that we were never going to be able to change their minds. So we decided to make the best of the trip that we could.

When we got to the camp ground, it was rainy outside. What a wonderful way to start my last camping trip in the camper. I decided not to let the weather get me down. So I went to the arcade and played some games with my family. After about an hour, we went back to the camper and played a card game together.

The next morning when I woke up, I didn’t even have to look outside to know that it was raining again. I was really disappointed. I got out of bed, and ate some breakfast. After I ate, I went online to see what the weather was supposed to be for the rest of the week. When I got on the website, I saw that the forecast said rain everyday for the rest of the week. This got me really disappointed. I was really looking forward to a week where we all could have fun as a family with it being the last time we use the camper. I guess I was going to have to deal though.

As the week came to an end, we started to pack up to go home. After everything was all packed away, we all got in the car to go home. My brother and I were really sad that the week didn’t go as any of us had planned. I was going to miss spending weeks in camping. I was going to miss those weekend getaways when we would all pile in and go camping. I was going to miss the camper. I quickly fell asleep on the long car ride home.

I woke up, and looked at the time. It was 3:56. I knew we would be home in a few minutes. When I woke up my parents kept saying that they had a surprise for us. I wasn’t expecting anything spectacular. I wasn’t really in the mood for any surprises based on how my week had been. Then, the next thing I knew, we were pulling in to our yard and I saw a giant camper in our yard. It took a few minutes to figure out what it was, but then I realized...we were getting rid of this camper because my parents needed more room. They needed to get a bigger camper that would be more comfortable for the whole family.

I was so happy. This made this past week seem not as bad as I thought. I knew now that I was going to have so many more camping memories and times. All of a sudden, I didn’t feel like this past week was the worst week I’ve ever had. It was just another camping memory that I now had.

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