The Fight between Me & My Best Friend! | Teen Ink

The Fight between Me & My Best Friend!

June 26, 2008
By Anonymous

One day at my old school me and my best friend Lindsey were in the same homeroom together. One time we were fighting over a lead pencil and some pieces of paper. The fight between me and my best friend Lindsey started at eight o’clock a.m. The reason why it had happen is because we both wanted the lead pencil and the pieces of paper. So we decided to play three rounds of rock, paper, and scissors to see who got the lead pencil and the pieces of paper. We shook hands and then we played. We had to start it off with this saying: Rock, Paper, and Scissors. My used-to-be best friend forever drew first. She drew scissors. I drew rock. I won all three rounds.

Me and my best friend Lindsey that used to be my best friend forever was still going on with it. By that I mean Lindsey was still going on with the fight we started earlier. We both grabbed knowing the pieces of paper would rip, and the lead pencil would snap. We pulled as hard as we could until we heard something rip and something snap.
“Courtney, what was that?” Lindsey called.
“What was what?” I replied.
Before three o’clock p.m., me and my used to be best friend Lindsey were happy and were best friends forever again.


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