The Old World (prologue) | Teen Ink

The Old World (prologue)

July 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Cameron is a little town boy with nothing to do all day but gaze at the sky and wonder what he could be doing right now. Always dreaming of something else out there. His father Dave always wanted the best for him and embraced his dream.
Cameron’s best friend Matt shared the same dream, but his dad had a different opinion about it. He said that sometimes your dreams don’t always turn out the way you want them to; that settling down and getting a nice job and a pretty lady, should be all that he should ever want. Matt wanted all this, but he wanted to make a difference in the world like Cameron too. So he came up with an idea. He would have to outsmart his dad.
Another day at another school; the same things every day, but always new things to learn. Cameron and matt are now in high school and are still pursuing their dream. Their fathers had said that they wanted the best for their sons and the two teens had wanted that; until they were 18.
Once they turned 18 they knew that their parents could no longer stop them from pursuing their dream. So now with all of their knowledge they could do any job they wanted...

The author's comments:
This is just the prologue of my book that I'm writing. I have no idea of when it will come out, but I can guarantee that you will see it published someday. I also hope this book will be an inspiration to all readers everywhere. Hope you love it!


This article has 1 comment.

Sceptic said...
on Aug. 21 2008 at 3:07 pm
Um. This doesn't sound like an interesting book. Myself, I'm not as obsessively sure as you seem to be that it will be published.