The Letter | Teen Ink

The Letter

November 6, 2012
By 2kool BRONZE, Rochester, New York
2kool BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Yesterday was the past tommorow is the future, but today is a gift that's why it's a present"



Short Story

The Unexpected letter

Hair tangled, jeans ripped, eyes red from lack of sleep. Wearing black shoes that looked as though they were found in the trash, the shirt she wears reveals independent holes; a strapless bag hangs from her back as she walks down the hallway of chaos. . While walking she could hear people whispering, “Is that the girl whose mother is in jail” another voice jumped in “I heard her mother was arrested because she was selling drugs”. “Look at those clothes”, as she continued to walk another voice interrupted another, these voices seemed to fill the tiny hallway that was once always quiet. Hope Robinson was her name; her mother went to jail because she was silly enough to think that she could sell drugs to a cop. Everybody thought she would end up just like her mother, that girl…… was me.

My life was somehow complicated, my dad was a drunk and if I never did what he told me to do I would get punished, most times that would result to a slap in the face. It seemed as though the harder I try to be a better person, everything get’s worse. Maybe I should go under the influence of my parents, be like them that way it wouldn’t hurt so much to bare, and I want it all to stop. I walked into my next class math, and sat in the back right corner, where I sat everyday. Nobody paid attention to me it was like I was invisible to all eyes here on earth. My invisibility allowed me to be the person I am today, and you know what I don’t care. Sitting there I felt a new era, a new push of life, hmm maybe it’s just gas. I just ignored that feeling, after a while it went away and that’s when the door opened.

A gust of wind whooshed into the room, a boy about my age walked. His hair was dark black and from a distance you could tell that it was smooth, he wore blue jeans that revealed graffiti on it. A shirt that had a picture of a white skeleton, I swore that it was looking at me. Alright I have to admit he was cute, but that doesn’t mean that I was interested, so don’t get any ideas.

“Young man you are 20 minutes late” the teacher snapped and the boy just shrugged.

“I didn’t show where the classroom was” he explained and the teacher rolled his eyes. I think the teacher’s name was Mr. Thomas, and man did he have an attitude.

“Take a seat” the teacher ordered. I always tried my best not to cause any attention in his class, and so far I have succeeded, I just hope that it continues. As I was thinking this I didn’t realize that they boy had taken a seat to the left of me! I just ignored him; Mr. Thomas passed back a worksheet that needed to be completed by the end of the period. I just started to doodle on the back of my folder, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Hey” a voice said and I turned to see the mysterious guy was looking at me.

“What?” I asked and he pointed to his paper

“Do you know how to do this?” he asked me and I shrugged

“No” I replied and I hoped that it ended our conversation, boy I was wrong

“Owen” he said and he stuck out his hand

“Hope” I murmured shaking his hand and then plugging in my earphones, finally some peace and quiet, or well I thought. There was a slight tug on my headphones and they flew out of my ear, I turned and glared at Owen.

“You know it’s kind of rude to ignore people” he stated

“You know it’s kind of rude to pull headphones out of someone’s ear. If you would have broken them, then you would have to pay for them” I spat and he laughed “So now you think breaking headphones is funny?” I asked and he sighed.

“You’re a feisty one aren’t you?” he asked

“I’m not feisty I’m just irritated” I explained and he laughed

“There the same thing” he informed

“No there not” I said

“Yes they are” he said







“Ugh you know what who care?” I said and he laughed

“Obviously you do otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation” he chimed with a smirk on his face.

“The only reason we are having this conversation is because you can’t take a hint” I hissed and he put his hands up in the air.

“Why so much anger?” he asked

“Your irritated me” I explain and he sighed

“Like I haven’t heard that before” he mumbled

“Do you have a problem with being able to close your mouth?” I asked and he smiled clearly amused with the situation going on.

“No I don’t” he said and I rolled my eyes

“I bet you can’t stop talking for 5 minutes” I stated

“Yes I can” he said and he went silent, 1…2…3… “Okay maybe I can’t” he said

“That wasn’t even 3 seconds” I noted

“Doesn’t matter” he said

The bell rang, thank god! I quickly got out of my seat and darted to my locker when I ran into someone.

“Ouch” I said and looked at who was in front of me, it was Owen! How did he get there so fast? “What do you want?” I asked and he smiled

“I don’t know where my next class is” he said

“What do you have?” I asked please don’t be study hall please don’t be study hall!

“I have study hall with Mrs. Lowell” he said reading his schedule. Why me? I frowned

“Follow me” I said and he did what he was told.

“Are you in this class?” he asked

“Yeah” I mumbled and I saw a smiled form on his face. “Well this is it” I said stopping by the door.

“Thanks buddy” he said

“You’re not my buddy” I told him

“Not yet” he said and I felt something slam me in the back, my body fell forward and my face had impact to the ground. I looked up to see Gloria, the schools what you call mean girl. Standing over me she started to laugh, and then she looked at Owen.

“You are?” she asked and he looked at me,

“Owen” he said

“You might not want to hang out with her, she’ll bring you a bad name” she said

“I guess I’ll deal with the consequences” he said to her. First Gloria looked surprised and then angry,

“Well good luck with that” she said and he looked at her. She walked by him and shoved her arm into his chest. I was on my knees picking up my stuff when a hand was in my face.

“Are you alright?” Owen asked and I nodded.

“I’m used to it” I said and grabbed his hand.

“Well you shouldn’t have to take it” he said looking in the path in which Gloria had passed.

“I would agree with you if she wasn’t the principle’s daughter” I explained and his eyes got big.

“She’s the principle’s daughter?” he asked

“Yep” I said popping the p.

His eyes went big,

“You know your lips are bleeding right?” he asked and I felt my lips, there was a pool of blood coming from my lip and it was coming fast. “Let’s get to the nurse” he said helping me. When we got there the nurse looked scared at first then when she got closer.

“Oh it isn’t that bad” she said sighing.

“You can go back to class now young man, she’ll be alright” the nurse said and Owen was hesitant at first but then he obeyed. The nurse left and came back with a note in her hand, she looked confused and then she saw me.

“A young lady told me to give it to you” she said handing me both the ice and the letter. It read:

Leave Owen alone or you will suffer the consequences, if not I will make sure you end up like your mother, worthless.

Anger boiled in me as I knew who the infamous author was, Gloria.

The author's comments:
It's one of my first writting pieces, I editted some parts I hope you like it!!!!!:)

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