Twin Sisters | Teen Ink

Twin Sisters

October 1, 2007
By Anonymous

there was these twin sisters name kimora and limora. there best friends happen to be the 2nd pair of twin kim and kimie they all was 17 in the 11th. they werent popular but people knew them. they went to oldie highschool. the girls did all thier work and they was smart. kim was walking home one day and the guy she like in her school name was Jimmy but every one called him J.She was walking home because she had alot of work to do.then thats when J rode up her and ask if she wanted a ride and she said yeah.she got in and they were listening to slow jam on the radio. they went to get them some food. J was popular and all the girls wanted him and all the boys wantd to be like him.After they got done eating they told each other they liked each other and they started to date. J also gave kim a promise ring and she told her sis and friends and they warned her about J. But she aint want to lisen. Until one day kim saw J kiss Rachel and kim was hurt. Kim conforted J and told him it was over and gave him back the ring.

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