The forgotten Items | Teen Ink

The forgotten Items

December 14, 2012
By Anonymous

On a beautiful night, I shined so bright. They would come to see me in the darkness of the night to brighten up their day. Every night, 10 o’clock I would wait and enjoy the attention of humans looking. Harry the bed, Nichel the chips, and me, Lilly Su all best friends.
Dolly Dingo Du, the human boy, yet the best ever. He would wake up for school and make me up all warm and cozy. I depended on him, and he depended on me the last 10 years along with Lilly Su and Nichel. He soon started to keep me messy, and eat Nichel less. Why didn’t he care about us? It went through our heads.
On the other hand, Lilly Su also there when he needed her. Nor, Lilly Su, Harry, or Nichel recognized. Harry had disappeared, and Lilly no longer shined bright. The little human boy changed into a man. He didn’t need us anymore. We all never left his side though.

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