The Beach In Winter | Teen Ink

The Beach In Winter

December 17, 2012
By ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
ElliStar SILVER, Esholt, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I look out to the deserted beach, bare and lonely in the dark afternoon. The cold air bites my skin and I huddle into my scarf as I listen to the sound of the sea, swaying in and out, spraying icy water onto the white, rocky cliffs.

There's a strong wind riding across the sea shore, and I'm nearly blown over as I pick my way across the damp sand towards the mossy wall. I look around, realising that I'm suddenly alone; everyone else has retreated into their warm homes to sit by the fire, leaving me out here with the Beautiful Blue Beast. I take a deep breath of icy cold air and gaze at the midnight blue ocean and the moonbeams dancing on the waves.

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