Lafanda | Teen Ink


May 30, 2008
By Anonymous

There is this one girl named Lafanda. I am just crazy about her. That is all I think about is her, my one an only. She is the goddess of love if you know what I mean. She has a brother named Shazam. He is one mother. You do not want to mess with him because he I crazy. So yea that is all I can tell you about him. She also has a sister named sunshine. Her parents named her that because, well that is another story, but I can tell you she is dumber than a box of rocks and does not know what she does. Well that is about it for her. Her parents are named your mom and your dad because they are! I only know that much so that is all I can tell you. Well I guess that’s all you need to know about for know so talk to wiggers later!!

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