The Teacher I Will Miss | Teen Ink

The Teacher I Will Miss

March 8, 2013
By HeatherR. SILVER, Darien Center, New York
HeatherR. SILVER, Darien Center, New York
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is not meaningful unless you do something to make a difference."

I was the second child in my family to have him as a teacher. The first day he called me "Linda", Linda is my mother, she attended his class in the 80's. He was always tried to help everyone with their homework. He made English seem easy, even though its a hard language to learn. I had him for an Eighth Grade English Teacher and a Tenth Grade English Teacher. He is retiring this year (2010). He will be missed by many students. Alexander Central High School will not be the same without him. Good bye Mr.Ricci I hope you read this in your monthly Teen Ink.
Your Student, Heather R.


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