Four Skinny Trees | Teen Ink

Four Skinny Trees

March 15, 2013
By PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PaytonFrances GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He is the only one who loves me. I am the only one that loves him. Two beating hearts that pulse for each other but are torn apart. Two minds out of the billions in the world. Two hopeless souls put on this earth to find each other. From the balcony their parents see them but they can’t be stopped now.

Their love for each other is a secret. They send beautiful love notes to each other in attempt to show their love. They run up the alleyways and they run down towards the forest and grab each others hands between the towering trees and hooting owls and look back at their feuding families and never quit their running. This is how they live.

Let one forget his reason for being, they’d run forever like beating drums getting faster and faster with each stride. Come, come, come, he says as I rest. I cry.

When I am too tired and too overwhelmed to keep running, when I am a mess covered with dirt and dust then it is I look to you. When there is nothing left to stay here for. Two who love despite hate. Two who run and don’t forget the past. Two whose only reason is to be together without hate.

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