Vampires can be good!!!! | Teen Ink

Vampires can be good!!!!

March 22, 2013
By Silentsnipe7740 BRONZE, Mebane, North Carolina
Silentsnipe7740 BRONZE, Mebane, North Carolina
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Imagine a young, very bright, and utterly ambitious, young adult, walking down the road and get attacked by a vampire. this the vampire brutally kills the little girl. That’s bad right? Now imagine that vampire get attacked and getting massacred by a good vampire. That’s good right? YES IT IS!!!!! And then save that girls life by turning into a vampire. By looking at this we can clearly see that vampires can be good, not all are evil, and they can help people. Being scary doesn't mean that you are bad.

"Are vampires really that scary and are they really that bad?" Says Chase Stanley at GHMS middle school in North Carolina, Many vampires,the bad ones, kill people. But that’s because they need to. The good vampires don't kill people, they kill animals like deer. And some kill other vampires so that’s good. Good Vampires killing bad vampires can help get rid of bad vampires and then vampires and humans can get along. Vampires can help in other ways too, they can kill other things because they are good at killing. But the vampire race would be almost extincted because there isn't that many vampires that are good at all. people shouldn't hate them that much.

There will always be people out there that hate vampires. They might even get in a vampire killing group and call themselves "slayers". But they shouldn't hate good vampires because these vampires can drink form other things too. Like bad blood bags and animals or ever other bad vampires. Vampires can also help the government and other things in the government. They can be super solders and help the government with war and other conflicts that normal people can't do.

Supporters of vampires argue that vampires are bad, and they are bad but they can be good if they want. Good vampires can kill bad vampires and help save people with their powers. They can become superheros and help the cops and in return the cops can give them bad blood bags from the hospitals. it could be a huge advantage for other things too.

Surveillance cameras can be watched by vampires. Because vampires never sleep, live for a long time, and never die, unless by an injury. vampires could sit there and stare at the screen for eternity. Since they never sleep they can be watching all day and all night. The bad part is that if vampires start doing this, normal people, if there are to many vampires, will start losing there job. But this will likely never happen, because the vampires will likely agree to keep there population down so vampires don't get out of hand. Vampires can be use full,but i don't mean that they are going to become slaves.

Vampires can take jobs that normal people can't do. Vampires have super strength, flying ability, and can get from place to place really fast by super speed. they could become the perfect worker for a construction company, or oil wells. they could get the gob done way faster and with ease.

So what if vampires kill people, that doesn't mean that they are evil. Maybe them people deserved it. Maybe they killed a lot of people. So why do people hate vampires so much? Because they are scared. "People hate the things that they fear." Vampires are killers, and no one likes killers. And since Vampires have bin deemed killers, people will hate them forever now. Vampires can be good, it's just that not a lot of them are, and that in the movies people automatically think that the vampire will be evil. Because of the vampire's history.

The author's comments:
i like vampires a lot!!!!

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