Creation | Teen Ink


March 29, 2013
By Anonymous

In the beginning there was nothing but five goddesses of life. They were sisters with a relationship that’s almost impossible to have. They never fought. Not once. Their bond was to strong. The most mature was Corrinacles, and then there was FrasierFresh, Nushk, MakeItRaina and Tabs. Don’t underestimate them though they had sassy personalities. One day they decided they wanted to create something, something huge. They wanted to create a world so Corrinacles throws a seed up into the air, from giant green fields full of beautiful flowers to oceans and waterfalls she had created a world. The goddesses then decided they wanted to create houses and grow food. The girls then began planting food and creating houses.

One day Nushk comes running and yelling over to the others with something behind her back. Once she approaches them the girls tell her to calm down and speak slower. Nushk then shows them an egg and says, “I am going to name her Leslee.” A moment of silence while everyone tries to process what she has just told them. All of a sudden the girls grab each other giggling, laughing and dancing around except for FrasierFresh who stands there looking embarrassed. The girls pause for a second and FrasierFresh holds out her hand holding a similar egg to Nushk’s. She then says, “I named mine Sarah.” The girls excitedly decide they are going to give Sarah and Leslee a gift when they are old enough. Sarah will receive the gift to create Men and Leslee the gift to create women. Days go by and the girls grow up quickly. Finally Nushk and FrasierFresh give their daughters their gifts. They then explain to the girls they need to be careful because humans sometimes don’t like to listen. They also told them the women aren’t allowed to have relations with the men.

Time goes by the humans living the way humans should until suddenly Tabs sees girls trying to kiss some of the boys. The goddesses as well as Leslee and Sarah begin freaking out. “That’s unacceptable”, says MakeItRaina. Then more and more girls begin joining in trying to kiss the boys. “They are rebelling!” says Leslee. Corrinacles then comes up with the plan to send out a deadly virus to kill all the women.

The author's comments:
Had to do it for a class

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