Light | Teen Ink


April 14, 2013
By CaeruleumFlamma BRONZE, Singapore, Other
CaeruleumFlamma BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." - Marc Brown


Light; a representation of one’s hope, a means of counteracting the very existence of darkness, a pathway to a person’s destiny or even a guide to wisdom. The symbol of Light has many meanings that a single person cannot pinpoint the exact reason for its being. You could say that it is there to help those see but see what? Ask a person and they would say to see the way. But what is the way? What does it mean to find it? Light, way, way, light. They say light is good but then why is there darkness? Why does it exist?
I’m used to it though, the dark I mean. It’s common where I live; a dark utopia within the earth’s depths. A city in eternal night, a city that never sleeps. I live in that world and I have learnt how to fit in. It is actually quite simple; save yourself. In a place such as this, compassion is not something you can find so easily. It saddens me though, a world like this, why does it even stand? I will never understand. My world is so strange. Every inch of this place is just darkness and if there is even a glimmer of light it is instantly crushed; the light is forbidden here and I don’t like it to be honest. I once came in contact with light you see. It was so beautiful you know? Like a little butterfly floating about in the night sky; a little piece of heaven twinkling within my hands and most importantly, it was warm.
Oh that wonderful sensation of heat coursing within my veins, deeply filling me and reaching my heart. I had forgotten what warmth felt like. In a world such as mine everything is just so cold, so cruel. I don’t like it here at all. I held the light closer against me. I liked the light. I liked it very much and I still do, I don’t like being here. I want to leave but I don’t have the light anymore. It was taken from me; crushed as if insignificant and pitiful. It was terrible, I felt as if I had lost everything. When I saw the fading pieces of light I couldn’t help but attempt to grasp it. I was so desperate for that warmth that little piece of hope that I had found. But it was gone. The light was no more.
I want to get it again. If I just searched for the light I can be free. I can enjoy warmth, I can leave the city in eternal night. I want to leave, I really do. But I will get lost in the city in eternal night, the city that never sleeps. I want light, I want truth. Where is it? Where do I go to find it? I want it, I really do. I wandered the city, I wandered alone within the depths of the dark. For the first time I felt cold, I felt scared. I want to leave, I want light. I can’t find it. Where is it? Where is light?
Light; a representation of one’s hope, a means of counteracting the very existence of darkness, a pathway to a person’s destiny or even a guide to wisdom. I don’t understand though. If light is so good, why does it get crushed? Why does it get rejected and refused? It’s so sad, light is so warm, so beautiful. I will look for it, I will look for light and I will find it.
I will find it, eventually.

The author's comments:
A song inspired me to write something such as this, as well as the mind of a person who had very little sleep. But then the words that form within a person's mind is something that I personally like to explore. What kind of world is within? What kind of images and memories does it bring? As a person who spends their time thinking, I am rather fond of contemplating such unusual things.

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