Written in the Stars | Teen Ink

Written in the Stars

April 27, 2013
By Virginia_A._King BRONZE, Junction City, Kentucky
Virginia_A._King BRONZE, Junction City, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.
~ Voltaire.

I look up at the stars every night for answers, and every night they answer me. I lay back against the hard bark of a tree I sit under. I wait for the stars to answer my question.

They don't tonight, so tomorrow maybe? I don't know, I just wanted my mom to get better. She's been like this for two years. I don't know how much longer she could last. I whimpered at the thought of it being short. I leaned my back against the hard bark of my favorite tree, Willow, I came here every night to talk to the stars. I loved talking to them.

I looked down at my watch, "Great!" I mutter grabbing my backpack and running home.

He's going to kill me! I thought running threw the tall, thick weeds. I finally reached the house out of breath. I walked in and an angry version of my dad was sitting at the table.

"Where have you been?" he asked. I shuttered at the tone of his voice.

"I-I was under Willow." I studder out.

"That's no excuse! You know your curfew!" He yelled standing up.

"S-sorry." I said backing up. If he came closer I would take off to my room.

He stepped closer and I raced for the stairs, just barely making it to my room. I locked the door behind me and laid on the bed. I looked through my backpack for the picture of my mom that I always carried around. I found it and held it close to my heart, I choked back tears just thinking about her.

I wished that some day the stars would grant my wish, my wish that I hold close to my heart. "I love you mommy." I whispered.

The author's comments:
Jaylen's mother has canser and is expected to go very soon. He looks to the stars every night for answers. They always seemed to have the answer. Jaylen's always been alone, no friends, hardly any family left. But when Jaylen meets Alex things change. Jaylen starts to develop feeling for Alex as time passes. He wants to come out to her but doesn't know if he should. He looks to the stars for answers. What will they say?

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