Daddy's Little Girl | Teen Ink

Daddy's Little Girl

October 13, 2013
By AmeliaJane SILVER, Csd, New York
AmeliaJane SILVER, Csd, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"viola, darling. remember chew like you have a secret..."

I look at the sky daydreaming of faraway lands in order to escape. I would never escape. His hands stroked my thigh; caressing the untouched skin as he did. His breathe traced my neck whispering tales of destruction. I looked to the sky for answers, I never got a reply.
When I held it in my hands I realized just how capable I was of taking away my nightmares. He lay drunk on the sofa to oblivious to hear the loud pounding noises. The six thunder strikes prevented him from ever being aware again.

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