Annabelle's tale | Teen Ink

Annabelle's tale

October 22, 2013
By BrennaColleen BRONZE, Montclair, Virginia
BrennaColleen BRONZE, Montclair, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Frozen, as if by magic, Annabelle stood rooted to the spot. Sh could not breathe, she could not speak. She stood in front of the person she had seen die. He was grinning at her as if nothing had happened, as if he had not been shot before her very eyes. No, he could not be real. He had to be in her imagination, there was no other explanation. Yet, she could not help feel a sudden leap of joy when she first saw him. He stood, no blood dripping from his chest, but looking clean and fresh, as if he was alive. Though that was impossible, Annabelle couldn't help but hope that maybe she imagined the whole ordeal.

Taking a step closer, Annabelle could see his perfect golden irises, his small white scar above his left eyebrow. She could smell his musky scent, of sweat and shaving cream. Yet something was off. His chest remained still, and he remained unblinking, staring at her with such love. She wanted to collapse into his arms, she wanted to feel his muscular arms wrapped tight around her waist. She wanted to feel his lips pressed against her neck, the way he used to do. She had to remain still, what if he disappeared? Would if he vanished the moment she felt relief? She had lost him once, there was no way she could do it again.

Annabelle closed her eyes, and when she opened them, he remained smiling at her. Taking in a deep breathe, Annabelle spoke, fear clutching at her heart, “Are you real?” She breathed. Will took a step closer, his smile unwavering. He held out a hand, but she held back hers even though it twitched, wanting to reach out. Will lowered his, his smile slipping from his flawless face. Hurt swelled in his eyes.

“No.” He said. His voice was hard, but she could tell it pained him to say that two letter word. Now she was more confused then ever. If he wasn’t real, then what was happening to her? Was she finally losing it? Was the pain of what happened three months ago finally gotten to her? Shaking her head furiously, Annabelle spoke again, her voice stronger. She needed answers.

“Then how are you here?” Will’s features softened, as if he could tell the pain he was causing her. Annabelle ignored the horrible gut wrenching urge to break down, and awaited his answer.

“I came back for you. Well, actually, I never left.” Will turned around, and began walking towards the edge of the cliff, the sea swelling below him, the sound of waves crashing onto the rocks growing louder as Annabelle followed. Will stopped, his hands clenching the railing. Annabelle dared not go further, she didn’t trust herself.

“Please, Will, explain.” Saying his name out loud after so many weeks felt weird on her tongue, and a small tingle was sent shivering down to her stomach where she still felt unsure, nervous.

“When I died, my spirit remained. I’ve been here all along, always watching you. I don’t know why, or how, but I’m here. I’m surprised only now you can see me, I’ve been following you since you arrived at the hospital in the ambulance. I guess I have unfinished business or whatever. No one ever explained it to me.” He turned around, trying to read the expression on her face, but she didn’t know what to feel. She should feel confused, but all she could feel was relief, relief that she didn’t have to feel this pain anymore, that she didn’t have to cry in her pillow every night. “Annabelle, I don’t know why this happened to me, or even how, but I just want to hold on to you for as long as I can. Please, Anna.” The pleading in his voice shakes Annabelle, and before she knows what she’s doing, she’s collapsed in Will’s arms, sobbing into his shirt. He holds her tight, like she always imagined, and whispers sweet nothings to her. When finally she composes herself, she kisses him hard, letting the tears fall down her cheeks, but no longer sobbing. She wraps her arms around his neck, and he grips her waist. He feels so real, Annabelle thinks to herself, but how can this be? Annabelle pushes those thoughts out of her head, no reason thinking about them. All that matters is Will, standing in front of her, his lips pressed against her’s, his skin against her skin. This is all that matters to her.

When they finally break apart, their both panting, well Annabelle is, Will feigns it. No breathe enters or leaves his body.

“I think we should go sit down.” Will nods in agreement and follows Annabelle to her car. When she gets in, she realize he never followed her. When she looks back, he’s gone. Then she hears a small pop, and Will’s sitting beside her, grinning. “How did you-?

“I don’t know, I juts did it.” He said, grinning. Annabelle smiles back. The fact that Will sits beside her makes her jittery, her steering abrupt and jerky. When finally they reach the small park that centers the small town of Willow Falls, she parks. Annabelle ignores the people that walk all around her until she reaches the giant willow. She plops down, and Will sits beside her. Seeing Will sitting beside her like old times makes new tears stream down her face, but she just smiles, taking him in.

Three months ago, Annabelle had fallen in love. She and Will could not stand to be without each other. They met by accident one day when Annabelle had been on her morning jog. She had run right into Will, who was leaving for class. He gave her a lift back home, after she had cried out in pain because she twisted her ankle. Will was gorgeous, and he smiled warmly at her. She didn’t know it then, but she was already falling in love with him. When he dropped her off, he asked her out. They began dating, for almost a year they were happy as can be. She was finishing high school, while Will was a freshman at the local community college. Annabelle was so happy with Will she had completely forgotten about Michael. Michael was her ex, she had broken up with him to go out with Will. She didn’t realize how mentally unstable Michael was, not until he followed them to Bayler’s cliff on their one year anniversary. He shot Will four time sin the stomach with a gun he had stolen from his Father. Annabelle sobbed over the dying Will, not wanting to believe what had just happened. When they got to the hospital, the doctors told her Will had died. She had collapsed at that moment, not able to take in the horrifying news of the one she was madly in love with. Her and Will’s relationship was cut too short. Michael was sentenced to twenty-five year in prison, and not a bay went by that Annabelle didn’t wish he would die, that he would feel even an ounce of the gut wrenching pain she felt. Three months later, and two week long visits to the local hospital’s psych ward later, she sat with Will inches from her.

She kept blinking, making sure he was still here, siting in front of her. He seemed so alive, as if nothing ever happened to him. She knew better though. She was broken, and she would never believe that he was here. Of course, he was dead. She knew that, she knew that at any moment she could be carted off to Willow Falls psych ward for the mentally unstable.

Reaching out, she brushed her fingers over his cheek. It was ice cold. Even though he was dead, she would hold no to this, this moment. Maybe if she believed hard enough, he would stay with her forever.

“I don’t know why I remained here, or why you can suddenly see me, but I don’t care. The last three months have been torture. To see you so broken, Anna, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I’ve caused you so much pain.” Will brushes away a tear from her cheek, but his forefinger lingers, and the coolness sends shivers running down her spine.

“Will, don’t be sorry. I’m just so glad you’re here, even if it is for only a little while. I love you so much, and I’m sorry.” She kisses his fingers, but her eyes remain glued to Will’s. They remain still, taking in each other.

Suddenly, Will’s features darken, “I don’t know how much time i have. Maybe seeing you, having you forgive me is why i remained.”

“Don’t talk like that! Please, Will, I don’t want to talk about that. I want to just sit here, I need to remain with you for as long as possible. If you’re going to leave me, I don’t want what little time we have spent on foreboding.” Will leans in and kisses her lightly. He pushes her to the ground, where she wraps herself around his solid from. He kisses her neck, and she moans.

“I love you.” He breathes. Annabelle kisses his throat, which freezes her lips. She pulls back, and falls against the hard earth. Will leans over her and brushes her hair aside. “I wish we could be together.” He whispers. Annabelle frowns.

“Well, why can’t we?” She asks.

“I can feel myself being pulled away, I can feel us growing apart. I’m leaving, Annabelle.” Annabelle pushes herself up and cries out as Will suddenly grips her wrist. “Come back with me!” He yells demonically. Annabelle whimpers at the shooting pain in her wrist. She looks up into Will’s suddenly crazed eyes.

“I can’t!” She yells.

“Yes, you can! If you die, then we’ll be together! Please, Annabelle, I just want to be with you.” Annabelle considers it. She has no life here, no hope. Without Will, her life is meaningless. If she could be with him forever, then she could be happy forever. She grins up at Will, who grins back.

“I’ll do it.” She says. Will hands her a small blade which he grabbed from nowhere. Annabelle doesn’t question. She holds the shiny metal blade in her hand, and her reflection gleams back at her. She sees her blue eyes blazing with fire. Will nods encouragingly.

Annabelle slides the blade across her white wrist, and blood pours out, thick and sticky. She slides the blade easily across her other wrist, which imitates her other wrist. Annabelle kisses Will until she collapses, sleep overtaking her. The last thing she sees is Will’s glowing face, his eyes gleaming red.

A couple found Annabelle Wilkinson’s body on their afternoon stroll. They had not intended to find the beautiful girl lying, blood poured out all around her. Ambulances arrived shortly after, calling out her death. Nobody expected Annabelle to kill herself, but yet no one was really surprised.

“She was a troubled young girl. She used to tell us about a boy she loved. We eventually had to re commit her to Willow Falls psychiatric hospital for the Mentally Unstable to get her some help.” Mr. Wilkinson told the cops. Mrs. Wilkinson sat on the couch, silently crying into her palm. “we are devastated, but it will make it all a lot easier for everyone to know she’s in a better place. She lived in her fantasy, and we will always miss her.”

The author's comments:
I wanted the story to change, I want my readers to be surprised by the sudden change in tone. I really love playing around with the plot, and I I wanted there to be a note of lunacy when you read it.

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