The Days of the Elementals (Unfinished) | Teen Ink

The Days of the Elementals (Unfinished)

November 20, 2013
By KingKo247 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
KingKo247 BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Eyyyyyyyyy, Epic King Ko!!! Huh, what, huh? Epic King Ko style!

Chapter 1
*Recurring Dream or... Nightmare?*
"Twi...? Twi? Twi!?" Dawn, a pale skinned, snow blond-haired, grey-eyed 7 year old girl screamed from 3 yards over. "I saw you!!! That means you're it!!!!!" Twi sighed and came out from the large hole in the trunk of the white oak. "Dang, thought i was quicker than that... Next time you'll never see me!" Twi proclaimed. He was a 9 year old tan skinned, rose-eyed, kid with hair that... At the bangs was snow colored, and the rest was midnight black. Dusk approached the two after spying from afar. Dusk was a 7 year old tan skinned, black-haired, violet-eyed girl. "C-can I p-play?" She Stuttered, despite her father's say against playing with the two. "Yeah, course. You're always welcome to join us!" Said Twi joyfully. "Are you sure you can though? I thought you're dad doesn't want us playing toget-" "I DON'T CARE! He never lets me play with anyone s-so..." Dusk interupted, tears starting to swell in her eyes. "Alright, alright... Well then, you two go hide, i'll count to 50 and then come find you guys. Okay?" Twi suggested. "O-okay..." stammered Dusk, wiping the tears away.
"Twi...? Twi? Twi!?" Shouted Dawn as Twi fell to the floor with a thud. "Ah!!! W-wait a minute... Wh-why are you waking we up?" Twi asked. "You're mother went out early, so she asked me to wake you up. Why... Is that a problem?" Dawn asked with crocodile-tears streaming down her face. "N-nothing, j-just... Just wasn't expecting it." Said Twi flustered. Dawn sighed "You never change do you Twi?" Finishing the sentence with a chuckle. "Well, get changed. You're off to your job today, right?" Dawn asked politely. "Oh crap!!! I forgot! Sorry, gotta get changed and get going! Be right out!" Twi said panicing as he slammed the door in Dawn's face. Dawn sighed, "I hope he realizes i woke him up an hour early..."

The author's comments:
Anime really inspired my opening to the beginning, but later on the story opens up to Introduce The trio as their "True Forms..." Dawn is a "Full Blood Angel," Dusk is a "Full Blood Demon," while Twi (or his full name "Twilight") Is a "Half Blood," Meaning he has both Demon and Angelic Bloodlines within him.

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