Story of My Street | Teen Ink

Story of My Street

November 11, 2013
By Madison Rebel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Madison Rebel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I haven’t always lived in the same house; but then again I haven’t always been the same age. At my old house I was missing something. That thing wasn’t nature, a neighbor, or even a playground. That missing puzzle piece was a best friend, my baby brother. As I walked around my old kingdom I found myself surrounded by bushels of flowers and beautiful butterflies that answered to me at every beckoning call willing to grant my wish like a fairy. The trails of chalk dust were clues from the queen on what my next task was to complete and with a queen like her you wouldn’t want to disobey.
By the time my brother was born it was time to move to a new home. That home didn’t feel like my castle anymore; it felt more like unknown land. This was an area to explore and find to insects with my wilderness partner Jack. As we grew up our imagination expanded. The grass was soon to become lava, the playhouse was a pirate ship, and the insects were spies trying to take over the world. As wilderness explores with some spy experience e could only to one thing… and that was to keep our world safe! With our high-definition card board telescope our view of the enemies was perfect. We could see all six legs and there antenna’s roaring with anger ready to plot something big. While talking to Jack through our expensive can and string phones we look yonder to see what lies ahead of us. It was a land that we have yet to explore to even think of crossing into… the front yard.
We were Louis and Clark the desire to venture out of our element was racing through our veins. We want to see what’s beyond, who is out there, and what is out there. As we opened the gates to the unknown all we could think about was the possibilities. With the opening of the gate a whole new world appeared right before our eyes. Bugs of every kings zoomed around the land, metal boxes speed up and down slabs of concrete, and other people tending to the land. We weren’t the only there, there were more adventures just like us wanting to go beyond the gate. We meet a girl named Pocahontas; she lived next door. She helped us learn the ways for the uncharted territory for Louis and Clark. She even taught us how to cross the river. All you have to do is look both ways to makes sure a boat isn’t passing and hurry across to make sure the alligators don’t come and get you.
Our street had been Asia, where we have learned to climb Mt. Oak tree. We have traveled to Africa and learned how to swing like the monkeys. The next week we went to Europe and learned how to have a proper tea party in hour tea house in the tree. Not only is our street just a street, but it has been the whole world to weathers of all kinds to animals and people of all ages. As Louis and Clark got older the imagination began to fall apart. Nothing became the way it used to be. Things weren’t the same, even Pocahontas left. Madison and Jackson adventure wonders had explored everything they could. By now, the grass is no longer lava, the pirate ship has sunk under the waters, and all he spies have been captured.

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