The Clam | Teen Ink

The Clam

February 14, 2014
By Tiger_Queen_Wolverine BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
Tiger_Queen_Wolverine BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There's a snake in my boot"-Woody

One day in the lonesome vast ocean, there was a clam sulking in the sand. The ocean looked so tall and gigantic from the bottom thought the little clam. The days go on and on with no change; all I ever do is float about the cold grainy sand eating plankton and algae. Does this watery life ever change thought the clam, the ocean stirred as if answering his question. The sun was going down and soon the clam would be left with nothing but the moon and his thoughts. The sounds of a desperately sad sea creature filled the entire ocean. Finally the sun unwilling set and the moon gleefully rose. Under the moonlight the clam’s tears seemed to magnify and only increased his sorrow.
A beautiful seahorse traveling with her family happened upon the little clam. “Why so down little cherrystone clam?” “I have no family to call my own and the days seem to drag on adding more loneliness to my life.” Replied the cherrystone clam. “Well little cherrystone clam why have you not tried to change your clammy days by adding a little more zest, rather than sulking about making everyone else’s day gloomy?” The clam was shocked about how blunt this sea creature was “Well because the thought never occurred to me to change my routine, and even if it did what would a clam like me do in a big sea?” ‘Well for example you could try moving into a shallower area where the sun hits just right, or find where all those other clams hangout and make new friends.” Again the seahorse shocked the little clam with her optimism and kindness. It was almost overwhelming, joy and happiness was overfilling the clam practically spilling from his mouth. “Those are some brilliant ideas Mrs.seahorse, I thank you for your guidance and deeply admire your kindness; I will take what you have said to me and see where that takes me.” “Fantastic, I hope everything you want in life happens and you are forever overwhelmed with happiness and love.” “Goodbye my little cherrystone friend, I wish you luck.” The seahorse was turning back to her family who were relieved to see her intact and safe.
The ocean stirred and the tides were changing rapidly, in fact it was changing a little too fast. The oceans water roared like a furious lion being disturbed during a nap on a burning hot day in the Sahara. The seahorse’s family rushed to safety, the lovely kind seahorse was now gone hidden in the oceans shadowy depths. While the clam sat in the sand saying his last goodbyes to his home and embraced the roaring waves. His hopes were to find a new home and possibly a family; one he could call his own.
The waves seemed to devour the clam leaving nothing left but sand. A storm was brewing in the oceans underbelly and in the midst of it was the little cherrystone clam himself. Being tossed and turned the clam couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down. Finally after many turns and twists the raging storm was over and the clam found himself sitting on a flat damp sandy surface. He looked up and was astonished to see a deep blue sky, it was the same sky he’s always looked up at but this one was clear and pure. This sight was joyful and pleasing; the warm waves finally taking him back under the waves releasing him from his breathtaking trance.
The oceans water felt different from his last water, of course it’s the same water but the temperature gave a happier feel to it. The water was shallower just like the seahorse said and felt like a place he could call home. He floated about looking for a good spot where he could look up and see the beautiful clear sky. The little clam found a perfect spot, but it was occupied by a family of clams. Maybe if I turn around I can find a new spot with just as good of a view as this one, thought the clam; NO! The seahorse’s words echoed into the little clam’s mind “make new friends” especially. Before the cherrystone clam could speak first a littleneck clam noticed him and said “hello are you lost, where’s your family?” The clam was stumbling for words as he realized he didn't have any family and was still alone in a great big sea. “ I umm.., have no family and no I’m just looking for a new home.” A cockle clam spoke next giving the littleneck time to think on the answer she just received. “So then what’s your story little cherrystone?” The other five clams sat in awe as the little clam told his story in great detail. “Thats some story you got there cherrystone.” said the steamer clam. “Yeah I hoped to find a new home and possibly a family.” The little clam looked back to the sky still amazed by the beauty. “ Well you know we always have room for more.” The quahog’s smile was opening like the ocean, welcoming and warm. “Yeah you can be our new member, be apart of the family lil’ cherrystone.” Said the jackknife clam. “Do you guys mean it?” The little cherrystone clam was gushing once again with happiness. They looked at each other briefly and all smiled “Yes be apart of our family!” They all were excited, but not as much as he was.
To think the little clam was the same little sad sea creature lurking at the bottom of the ocean the same day, now a brilliant glorifying thing of happiness. The little clam was now eternally happy with his new home and a family of his own. He owed his new life to the lesson the amazing seahorse taught him. The little clam decided that he would tell his story throughout the sea and to his children hoping it would symbolize that making new friends is good and change is needed to make a happier you.

The author's comments:
I thought it's cute.

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